Vibezz is a dynamic social networking platform designed for connecting and interacting. It enables users to sign up, sign in, and manage their friends, while providing a personalized feed of friend activities.
- User Authentication: Users can create an account and log in to access personalized content.
- Friend Management: Users can add/delete friends to their network and view their activities.
- Personalized Feed: Displays user profile information and friends' posts in a structured feed.
The interface uses NextJS and React for component-based architecture, with Tailwind CSS for styling to ensure a responsive and modern look.
- SignUp & SignIn: Forms for user registration and login.
- AddFriends: Interface for adding friends from the user’s network.
- RemoveFriends: Interface for removing friends from the user’s network.
- FriendsList: Displays the list of friends with profile pictures.
- FeedPage: Central hub displaying user information, friends' posts and friends list.
- Tailwind CSS: Utilized for responsive design and streamlined styling.
- Desktop & Mobile: The app is designed to function seamlessly on both desktop screens and mobile devices.
- Redux: Manages the application state including user data and authentication status.