This is a small python script that can be used to toggle LED modes of an Amkette Evofox Phantom Gaming mouse.
I wrote this because the configuration tool that shipped with the mouse was only available (in binary form) for Microsoft Windows.
$ evofox-phantom -h
usage: evofox-phantom [-h] [--vid VID] [--pid PID]
[-l [{off,static,slow,fast}]]
Toggle LED modes in Amkette Evofox Gaming Mouse
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--vid VID Vendor ID; lsusb(8)
--pid PID Product ID; lsusb(8)
-l [{off,static,slow,fast}], --led [{off,static,slow,fast}]
Phantom supports four modes: off, static, slow and fast. This program, at present only supports toggling LEDs.
Here's a demo video:
Dependencies: hidapi
$ sudo pip install hidpi
or alternatively on arch linux systems,
$ sudo pacman -S python-hidapi
$ git clone
$ cd evofox-phantom
$ make install
- Add toggling DPI values
- Add re-configuring mouse buttons.
- Hack and see if the LEDs can be illuminated individually to a color of choice.