A default blog scaffold for ruhoh compatible static blog parsers.
Presently ruhoh 2.0.alpha should be bundled using bundler so you can use both ruhoh 1.x and ruhoh 2.x at the same time.
$ git clone git://github.com/ruhoh/blog.git blog-v2
Checkout 2.0.alpha branch
$ cd blog-v2
$ git checkout 2.0.alpha
Do you have bundler?
$ bundle -v
If it's not found, install it:
$ gem install bundler
More info on bundler: http://gembundler.com/
This blog ships with its own Gemfile. All you need to do is install the bundle.
Navigate to the root of this repository and execute:
$ bundle install
Once the bundle is completed, run:
$ bundle exec rackup -p 9292
This starts a web server that hosts your blog here: http://localhost:9292
To access the bundled ruhoh (2.0.alpha) you'll need precede your commands with bundle exec
$ bundle exec ruhoh help
The origin initially points to: git@github.com:ruhoh/blog.git
To add your own remote, first create a new repository on GitHub. ex: git@github.com:USERNAME/my-ruhoh-blog.git
$ git remote rm origin
$ git remote add origin git@github.com:USERNAME/my-ruhoh-blog.git
Now you can add your own content and push it to your repository:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'some new content'
It's best to first get a fresh blog installed and running locally via bundler as outlined. Next you'll want to compare your existing ruhoh 1.x blog to the new blog scaffold.
You can view a comparison of the commits between the two version on GitHub
Once you've converted your existing blog, try running it with ruhoh 2.0.x by copying the Gemfile into your existing blog and running it with bundler as outlined above.
When ruhoh 2.0. is officially shipped, you'll be able to download and use it as normal:
$ gem install ruhoh
But not yet!
Feel free to submit installation and upgrading issues via GitHub Issues They can be basic trouble-shooting questions.
Also contact me via:
- email: plusjade@gmail.com
- twitter: @ruhohBlog
See http://ruhoh.com/docs/2 for full usage and documentation.
Released under the MIT License