This is budget tracking software built for my own uses, hosted on It combines double-entry bookkeping with zero cash-flow budgeting, allowing for the consistency of professional accounting software with the usable of personal budgeting software. Linux/Nginx/PostgreSQL/PHP backend.
- Greatly reduced memory/sessionStorage usage by removing dailyBals with no change
- Minor external libs update
- Removed closed=false accounts from transactions addition input
- Added savings graph
- Improved speed of after-data init processing (300ms -> 100ms)
- Fixed bug with cloning negative values in transactions
- Added monthly calendar - JS generated + nicely printable
- Added more optimization (reduced SQL load + key size)
- Added dates to transaction graph
- Removed Font Awesome dependency
- Upgraded BS Icons dependency
- Added minor optimization (localStorage space)
- Added major cleanup of init file
- Added child accounts to transactions page
- Added more statistics to assets page
- Improved styling of transactions and expense pages
- Replaced $.Deferred with Promises
- Added major styling changes to CSS & HTML
- Added better consolidation for detailed accounts in navbar
- Added asset balance and liability balance donut graphs
- Added own style-bs file instead of dependency
- Fixed closed accounts showing up in sidebar
- Updated BS, DataTables versions
- Fixed new transaction date to match local timezone
- Added expense tracker - code and graph
- Fixed bug with monthly budget not loading if no data for that month or previous month
- Fixed bug with timezones a day off
- Added modify budget code
- Added table to compare monthly budget level
- Added date range to budget page and month switcher
- Added nice progress bars
- Added budget page link to sidebar
- Added initial work on budget page
- Added modals for add new budget
- Added JS code for loading datatable
- Added JS code for auto-calculating sum values & validations (NOTE: datatable currently reloads full table on keyup change; therefore a setTimeout reload is used for the meanwhile)
- Added clone button to easily copy similar transactions
- Updated to latest JS libraries
- Updated to latest version of web-framework
- Updated code compatability for Bootstrap 5
- Minor CSS changes
- Fixed issue with autofilling
- Added debit/credit bug fix
- Added autofill