To install the repository, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Navigate into the cloned repository directory:
cd talent-match-dashboard
Install dependencies using npm:
npm install
Start local project:
npm run dev
Login with test credentials Regular user: username: johndoe password: johndoe
Admin user: username: TalentAdmin password: talentadmin
- Set up login credentials for users.
- Implement OAuth for secure authentication.
- Design and implement a rewards table to manage user rewards.
- Define schema and functionalities related to rewards.
- Create a penalties table to track penalties imposed on users.
- Define schema and functionalities related to penalties.
- Set up a MongoDB database connection.
- Ensure proper configuration and integration with the repository.
- Karma penalty scoring and action
- Karma reward scoring and actions
- Implement middleware authentication to restrict access to certain routes.
- Ensure only authenticated users can access protected routes.
- Make Triage and Rewards only available for admin users.
- Official OAuth Documentation
- MongoDB Documentation
- Express.js Middleware Documentation
- Node.js Documentation
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with