Sample of NMAP scans targeted at Firewalls, their configurations and systems behind the Firewalls.
These can be usefull in a external penetration test to validate firewall configuration or detect open services behind firewalls from public facing attacks.
This scan use decoy public dns ip address to scan target and avoid IPS.
Firewall and IDS/IPS Evasion - HackTheBox Academy Scan by Using Decoys.
UDP scan is activated with the-sU
option. It can be combined with a TCP scan type such as SYN scan-sS
to check both protocols during the same NMAP Decoy Scan.
sudo nmap -sS -Pn -n -T4 -A -sV -p 53 -D, -sU
The ACK scan is able to discover firewall rule sets and configuration.
Context Firewall in front of the target. The result indicate which ports were not blocked by the firewall.
sudo nmap -sA $TARGET
The NULL scan work on the fact it get no response back.
Context No reply in a null scan indicates that either the port is open or a firewall is blocking the packet. Alternatively, there is a possibility that the ports are not responding due to a firewall rule.
sudo nmap -sN $TARGET
The FIN scan also work on the fact the scan do not get a response back if port open.
Context Results could be false positive if the port is open or if a firewall is blocking the traffic. Firewalls may quietly drop the traffic without sending an RST.
sudo nmap -sF $TARGET
The WINDOW scan checks the TCP Window field of the RST packets returned.
Context WINDOW scan against a server behind a firewall, ports are detected as closed, but the firewall does not block them.
sudo nmap -sW $TARGET
The FRAGMENTED scan may, depending on the type of firewall/IDS, dividing the packet into smaller packets, get positive results.
Context An intrusion detection system (IDS) inspects network packets, and raises an alert whenever a malicious rule is met.
sudo nmap -sS -f $TARGET