Tranding Repos is a small webapp to list the most starred Github repos that were created in the last 30 days.
This project is created with:
- Angular Cli: 10.1.6
- Ngx Infinite Scroll: 10.0.0
- Ngx Spinner: 10.0.1
- Bootstrap: 4.5.3
This project is created with Angular 10.
You need to have Node and NPM installed on your PC.
Downloading and installing Node.js and npm
After installing node, you need to download the source code using git or else download and unzip the zip file.
After open a terminal window and go to the project root folder, you need to install the project's packages using the following command:
npm install
Run the following command:
npm run start
Navigate to http://localhost:4200/.
The browser will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
- Angular Cli:
Angular Cli is used to generate the project.
- Ngx Infinite Scroll:
Ngx Infinite Scroll is used to implement the infinite scrolling to our app.
- Ngx Spinner:
we use this library to implement the loading component.
- Bootstrap:
we use bootstrap to create a responsive webapp.