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Realistic benchmark for different causal inference methods. The realism comes from fitting generative models to data with an assumed causal structure.


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Realistic benchmark for different causal inference methods. The realism comes from fitting generative models to data with an assumed causal structure.


Once you've created a virtual environment (e.g. with conda, virtualenv, etc.) install the required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Do your own analysis on our causal-predictive metric dataset

We trained a total of 1568 different estimators. We recorded all of the predictive metrics that sklearn provides (e.g. RMSE, MAE, precision, recall, etc.) and many different causal metrics that RealCause provides (e.g. ATE bias, ATE RMSE, PEHE, etc.). Taking all of these metrics plus estimator specification (meta-estimator, outcome model, and propensity score model) yields a total of 77 columns. Cells are "nan" where that cell doesn't make sense (e.g. the propensity score model cell for a standardization estimator, a regression metric for an IPW estimator, a classification metric for a standardization estimator, etc.).

We provide this dataset in causal-predictive-analysis.csv. We did one analysis on this dataset in Section 6 of our paper (in experiments/ However, there are many more possible analyses that can be run on it. For example, one might want to fit machine learning models to predict causal metrics from predictive metrics and use something like SHAP to interpret the associations these models find. To get started, simply load the dataset from causal-predictive-analysis.csv. Example loading:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('causal-predictive-analysis.csv')

Loading RealCause pre-computed datasets

You can load any of the realistic RealCause datasets (trained on LaLonde PSID, LaLonde CPS, and Twins) from realcause_datasets/ using pandas.read_csv() or by using our load_realcause_dataset() function in We provide 100 different samples of each dataset. These samples are generated in

Example usage to load sample 69 of the LaLonde PSID dataset:

from loading import load_realcause_dataset

df = load_realcause_dataset('lalonde_psid', 69)

Valid value for the dataset argument: 'lalonde_psid', 'lalonde_cps', and 'twins'. Valid values for the sample argument: 0-99. If the sample argument is not given, it defaults to 0.

Example usage to load sample 0 of the Twins dataset without giving the sample argument:

from loading import load_realcause_dataset

df = load_realcause_dataset('twins')

Loading RealCause pre-trained generative models

Loading the pre-trained models can be done using the function load_from_folder(DATASET) from the script, where DATASET can be one of:

  • lalonde_cps1
  • lalonde_psid1
  • LBIDD_exp
  • LBIDD_linear
  • LBIDD_log
  • LBIDD_quadratic
  • ihdp
  • twins

For example, this is a script to load the model trained on the LaLonde CPS dataset:

from loading import load_from_folder
model, args = load_from_folder("lalonde_cps1")

Using RealCause generative models


To see most of the methods you can use with these generative models, see the BaseGenModel class. After you've loaded a generative model model, you can sample from it as follows:

w, t, y = model.sample()

We show how to use the knobs below. See further documentation for the sample method in its docstring.

Using knobs

We currently provide three knobs as parameters to the sample() method:

  • overlap
    • If 1, leave treatment untouched.
    • If 0, push p(T = 1 | w) to 0 for all w where p(T = 1 | w) < 0.5 and push p(T = 1 | w) to 1 for all w where p(T = 1 | w) >= 0.5.
    • If 0 < overlap < 1, do a linear interpolation of the above.
  • causal_effect_scale: scale of the causal effect (size of ATE)
  • deg_hetero: degree of heterogeneity (between 0 and 1). When deg_hetero=1, y1 and y0 remain unchanged. When deg_hetero=0, y1 - y0 is the same for all individuals.

Training RealCause generative models

The main training script is, which will run one experiment for a set of hyperparameter (hparam) configuration. The hparams include --batch_size, --num_epochs, --lr, etc. Here's an example command line:

python --data "lalonde" --dataroot [path-to-ur-data-folder] --saveroot [where-to-save-stuff] \
    --dist "FactorialGaussian" --n_hidden_layers 1 --dim_h 128 --w_transform "Standardize" --y_transform "Normalize"
  • --data
    This argument specifies the dataset. Options:

    • "lalonde" or "lalonde_psid" - LaLonde PSID dataset
    • "lalonde_cps" - LaLonde CPS dataset
    • "lalonde_rct" - LaLonde RCT dataset
    • "twins" - Twins dataset
    • "ihdp" - IHDP dataset
    • "lbidd_<link>_<n>" - LBIDD dataset with link function <link> and number of samples <n>
      Valid <link> options: linear, quadratic, cubic, exp, and log
      Valid <n> options: 1k, 2.5k, 5k, 10k, 25k, and 50k
      Example: "lbidd_cubic_10k" yields an LBIDD dataset wth a cubic link function and 10k samples
  • --x_transform
    This argument will tell the model to preprocess the covariate (W) or the outcome (Y) via "Standarization" (so that after the transformation the training data is centered and has unit variance) or via "Normalization" (so that after the transformation the training data will range from 0 to 1); the preprocessor uses training set's statistics.

If "Normalize" is applied to the outcome (Y), we further clamp the sample outcome value at 0 and 1, so that we do not generate samples outside of the min-max range of the training set.
  • --dist
    This argument determines which distribution to be used for the outcome variable (we assume binary / Bernoulli treatment for this training script). To see a list of available distributions, run
python -c "from models.distributions import distributions; print(distributions.BaseDistribution.dist_names)"
['Bernoulli', 'Exponential', 'FactorialGaussian', 'LogLogistic', 'LogNormal', 'SigmoidFlow', 'MixedDistribution']

In most of our experiments, we use a more flexible family of distributions called normalizing flows; more specifically we use the Sigmoidal Flow, which is a universal density model suitable for black-box Auto-ML. It is similar to mixture of distributions (like Gaussian mixture model), which has the ability to model multimodal distributions.

In some cases (such as the Lalonde dataset), there might be discrete "atoms" presented in the dataset, which means the outcome variable is mixed-continuous-discrete-valued. We then have a special argument --atoms to model the probability that the outcome takes certain discrete values (given W and T).


python --data "lalonde" ... \
    --dist "SigmoidFlow" \
    --dist_args "ndim=10" "base_distribution=gaussian" \ 
    --atoms 0 0.2

Note that the atom values (and distribution arguments) are separaeted by white space. For Sigmoidal Flow, there is an additional option for distribution arguments, whose key (e.g. what base distribution to use for the flow) and value (e.g. gaussian) are separated by =. Valid choices for base distributions are uniform or gaussian (or normal). The ndim argument correspond to the "number of hidden units" of the sigmoid flow (think of it as an invertible 2-layer MLP). It is analogous to the number of mixture components of a mixture of Gaussian model.

Training loop

We also provide a convenient hyperparameter search script called It will load the HP object from, and create a list of hparams by taking the Cartesian product of of the elements of HP. It will then spawn multiple threads to run the experiments in parallel.

Here's an example using the default (remember to change the --dataroot!):

python --exp_name "test_flow_and_atoms" --num_workers=2

Note that --saveroot will be ignored by this training loop, since it will create an experiment folder and then create multiple hparam folders inside; and --saveroot will then be set to these folders. In the above example, there will be 4 of them:

├── test_flow_and_atoms
│   ├── dist_argsndim=5+base_distribution=uniform-atoms
│   └── dist_argsndim=5+base_distribution=uniform-atoms0.0
│   └── dist_argsndim=10+base_distribution=normal-atoms
│   └── dist_argsndim=10+base_distribution=normal-atoms0.0

Once an experiment (for a single hparam setting) is finished, you should see 5 files in the hparam folder (saveroot).

├── test_flow_and_atoms
│   ├── dist_argsndim=5+base_distribution=uniform-atoms
│   │   ├── args.txt
│   │   ├── log.txt
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── all_runs.txt
│   │   ├── summary.txt
  • args.txt: arguments of the experiment
  • log.txt: all the "prints" of the experiment are redirected to this log file
  • early-stopped model checkpoint
  • all_runs.txt: univariate evaluation metrics (i.e. p values & nll; by default there will be --num_univariate_tests=100 entries)
  • summary.txt: summary statistics of all_runs.txt (mean and some quantiles).

Re-running our causal estimator experiments

To re-run the causal estimator benchmarking in our paper, run experiments/ To re-run our correlation analysis between causal and predictive metrics, run experiments/


Realistic benchmark for different causal inference methods. The realism comes from fitting generative models to data with an assumed causal structure.







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