Power BI is a software with a desktop application. It allows you to import data and manipulate, analyze, visualize it. It also proposes a suite of marketing analytics that provides insights throughout your organization.
There are two ways to install the connector:
Using the Self-Signed version, for which you will have to add a Window Registry entry. Here
Using the non-signed version, for which you'll have to reduce the security requirements of PowerBi. There
Retrieve the Regedit file here and double click to install it.
Otherwise if you don't trust regedit files, simply add a MultiString value named
and containing our thumbprint8246236ABB1156171091CF753CE7837D47FCC742
in theHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Power Bi Desktop
Registry folder. -
Then download the last version of the connector (*.pqx) here.
And install this file into your
%USERHOME%\Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors
folder. -
Restart Power Bi and the connector should show up in the list.
- You have to enable the "Uncertified connectors" in the Security Options of Power BI:
Then download the last version of the unsigned connector (*.mez) here.
And install this file into your
%USERHOME%\Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors
folder. -
Restart Power Bi and the connector should show up in the list.
Step 1
Launch the Braincube connector. You will find it in the Get Data, Other.
Step 2
If you have not yet set up a Braincube connection, you'll have to start one now. You have to have created an Access Token (see below)
Step 3
Select the data you want to retrieve (Braincube, Base, Sliding Period, and Variable) and validate
You can then use your data in Power BI Desktop as you wish.
The process is simple:
Go to your profile access tokens page
Click on the "+" sign to create a new Api Key
The key is created and you get to copy it.
Be careful, the key will only be displayed once! Copy it somewhere safe