An easy to use, complete text input brought to you by
Add this to your pubspec.yaml (or create it):
easy_text_input: ^1.0.2
Then run the flutter tooling:
flutter packages get
You will need a Bloc with a stream to controll the data flowing through the InputField, for a better explanation on how blocs work please check the example folder.
stream: exampleBloc.exampleStream,
labelText: 'Example',
onChanged: exampleBloc.sinkExample,
stream: exampleBloc.password,
labelText: 'Password',
onChanged: exampleBloc.sinkPassword,
obscureText: true,
successIcon: _successIcon,
errorIcon: _errorIcon,
obscureTextIconOff: EyeIcon.close,
labelText: 'Phone',
obscureText: true,
onChanged: exampleBloc.sinkPhone,
controller: MaskedTextController(mask: '(00) 00000-00000'),
hintText: '(31) 91234-5678',
successIcon: _successIcon,
Customizable attributes for InputField
Attribute Name | Type | Required | Default Value | Example Value | Description |
stream | Stream | true | exampleBloc.emailStream | The stream that controls the data flowing through the InputField Widget | |
onChanged | Function | true | exampleBloc.sinkEmail | The method that will deal with every change in the value of the focused InputField | |
labelText | String | false | '' | 'E-mail' | The Label of the InputField, The information that will float to the top of the InputField when the Widget is focused |
hintText | String | false | '' | '' | The text that will show only when the InputField is focused, to show an example of how the input should be |
counterText | String | false | '' | '1/6' | a small text that shows on the inferior right of the field to show the user a additional information, like a number to show the user how many characters he has typed |
obscureText | bool | false | true | Controls whether the text should show or be obscured, mainly used for password fields | |
controller | dynamic | false | MaskedTextController(mask: '(00) 00000-00000') | The prop that will connect to the Flutter's native TextInput controller prop, a commom use for this particular prop is for controlling masks on the Text | |
keyboardType | TextInputType | false | TextInputType.text | TextInputType.number | Controls the type of the keyboard that will show to the user when the InputField is focused |
maxLength | int | false | 10 | Set the maximum amount of characters the InputField will accept | |
errorIcon | Widget | false | const SizedBox.shrink() | ImageIcon(); | The icon that will show at the end of the InputField showing that the input is invalid |
successIcon | Widget | false | const SizedBox.shrink() | ImageIcon(); | The icon that will show at the end of the InputField showing that the input is valid |
obscureTextIconOff | Widget | false | const SizedBox.shrink() | ImageIcon(); | The icon that will show at the end of the InputField showing that the obscureText feature is off |
obscureTextIconOn | Widget | false | const SizedBox.shrink() | ImageIcon(); | The icon that will show at the end of the InputField showing that the obscureText feature is on |
borderRadius | double | false | 8.0 | 12.0 | Controls the curvature of the borders of the InputField |
successColor | Color | false | | | Sets the color that the InputField will be colored with when the input is considered valid |
errorColor | Color | false | | Colors.purple | Sets the color that the InputField will be colored with when the input is considered invalid |