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Green Mountain Grill

Observe and Control your grill with Go

Note: this was tested on my grill which is a Daniel Boone Prime purchased in 2021. I'm not sure if this will work properly on other models.

Frontend stuff was never really finished so don't use that

Grill Client

// Client - Green Mountain Grill client interface definition
type Client interface {
	IsAvailable() bool
	GetState() (*State, error)
	GetID() ([]byte, error)
	GetFirmware() ([]byte, error)
	SetGrillTemp(temp int) error
	SetProbe1Target(temp int) error
	SetProbe2Target(temp int) error
	PowerOn() error
	PowerOnColdSmoke() error
	PowerOff() error

Building a new client

import gmg ""

client := gmg.New(
	net.ParseIP(""), // example, this will change
	8080, // this should be the same for all grills... I think...

Web Server


Planned features to add:

  • track temp over time
  • alerts for when temps are reached

Grill State Data Parse

Shout out to and for doing a lot of the leg work on figuring out the commands to send and the data returned by the grill.

// messageBody is the byte model of state response, 36 bytes are returned by the grill and
// can be mapped to this struct.
type messageBody struct {
	URPlaceholder     uint16     // 0-1: `UR`
	GrillTemp         uint8      // 2
	GrillTempHigh     uint8      // 3
	Probe1Temp        uint8      // 4
	Probe1TempHigh    uint8      // 5
	GrillSetTemp      uint8      // 6
	GrillSetTempHigh  uint8      // 7
	APIVersion        uint8      // 8
	FirmwareDetails   [7]uint8   // 9-15: not sure how to read this
	Probe2Temp        uint8      // 16
	Probe2TempHigh    uint8      // 17
	Probe2SetTemp     uint8      // 18
	Probe2SetTempHigh uint8      // 19
	CurveRemainTime1  uint8      // 20: not sure how to use this
	CurveRemainTime2  uint8      // 21: not sure how to use this
	CurveRemainTime3  uint8      // 22: not sure how to use this
	CurveRemainTime4  uint8      // 23: not sure how to use this
	WarnCode1         uint8      // 24
	WarnCode2         uint8      // 25
	WarnCode3         uint8      // 26
	WarnCode4         uint8      // 27
	Probe1SetTemp     uint8      // 28
	Probe1SetTempHigh uint8      // 29
	PowerState        PowerState // 30
	GrillMode         uint8      // 31: not validated
	FireState         FireState  // 32
	FileStatePercent  uint8      // 33: not validated
	ProfileEnd        uint8      // 34: not validated
	GrillType         uint8      // 35: not validated

// PowerState -
type PowerState uint8

// PowerState enum values
const (
	PowerStateOff PowerState = iota

// FireState -
type FireState uint8

// FireState enum values
const (
	FireStateDefault   FireState = 0
	FireStateOff       FireState = 1
	FireStateStartup   FireState = 2
	FireStateRunning   FireState = 3
	FireStateCoolDown  FireState = 4
	FireStateFail      FireState = 5
	FireStateColdSmoke FireState = 198

// WarnCode -
type WarnCode int

// WarnCode enum values
const (
	WarnCodeNone WarnCode = iota