For documentation, see here.
graph LR
B(JSON input)
C(INI input)
D(XML input)
E(JSON output)
F(INI output)
G(XML output)
A-->G is a "universal adaptor" between the widely-used data serialization formats INI, JSON, and XML for OCaml. It provides support for parsing any of these formats into a unified data structure, making edits / adding new data, and then exporting data back out to any of those file formats.
As such, it can be used as
- a single, familiar tool to parse multiple file formats (no need to learn a new API every time);
- a tool to convert between different file formats (e.g. read in an INI file, write it out as JSON);
- a way to easily serialize any data you have (not just modifying pre-existing data from another file – you can easily build up your own tree from scratch and write it to whatever format you like).
(The name is a nod to C++'s Boost.PropertyTree, which inspired this project.)
The problem of serializing data – that is, converting some abstract object in
a program's memory into a format that can be easily saved in a file or
transmitted – is almost as old as computers themselves. As such, over the
decades many different formats have emerged (INI being a particularly early
format, XML bringing more flexibility at the cost of more complexity and
verbosity, JSON being kind of a middle ground between the two). These formats
still remain pervasive today: INI is used by many Windows programs, and a
similar format is used in .conf
files on Unix systems; XML is hugely popular
and used by projects such as React Native and Maven; JSON is almost ubiquitous
as a communication format between servers and browsers, as well as being a
general-purpose storage format just as flexible as XML.
Here's a small sample of the same data shown in INI, then XML, then JSON.
name = Brandon Gong
is_cool = true
favorite_number = 3.1415
<name>Brandon Gong</name>
"person": {
"name": "Brandon Gong",
"is_cool": true,
"favorite_number": 3.1415
Although the three formats appear very different, at heart what they are all doing is the same: structuring different properties about a certain thing into a tree, with different categories and subcategories storing various information.
Thus, it makes sense to be able to parse (or deserialize) all three of these file formats into ultimately the same data structure: a property tree. It also makes sense that, given a property tree, we can always turn it back into XML or JSON; the information is still the same, just some syntactic details have changed.
This is the central idea behind this library. views the property tree as a file system, i.e. a set of different
folders (the categories) that can contain files (the properties) or other
folders nested within them. If you're familiar with the Unix/Linux terminal, the
API will be very intuitive to use; much like working in the terminal, you'll be
able to navigate throughout the tree with cd
, delete properties with rm
rename properties with mv
, and more.
This intuitive, context-aware editing flow is accomplished all in a pure functional manner using a Zipper data structure. Thus, editing ptrees is fast, efficient, and thread-safe.
Suppose we have the given INI file, storing some information about assorted vegetables:
File veggies.ini
; Comments are supported too!
nutritious = true
tasty = false
color = green
calories = 31
protein = 2.5
color = purple
calories = 20
protein = 1.
and we want to get rid of the Eggplant
category, and change Broccoli
to pink
. Finally, we want to write out as XML instead of INI. Here is how we
would accomplish that with
open Ptree
let () = peditor_of_file "path/to/veggies.ini" (* parse the INI file *)
|> rm_path ["Eggplant"] (* Delete the eggplant folder *)
|> fst (* rm returns the new peditor and the deleted subtree, which we don't care about *)
|> cd ["Broccoli" ; "color"] (* cd into color folder *)
|> put (String "pink") (* put "pink" there, overwriting "green" *)
|> xml_of_peditor "veggies" (* Done with edits, so turn it into an XML string with base tag name veggies *)
|> print_string (* print it out *)
which outputs:
Suppose we have a data type storing information about authors:
type author = {
name: string;
age: int;
famous_book: string;
and we have a list of these authors
we wish to serialize into JSON:
let authors = [
{name = "J. K. Rowling" ; age = 57 ; famous_book = "Harry Potter"};
{name = "Yann Martel" ; age = 59 ; famous_book = "Life of Pi"};
{name = "Zora Neale Hurston" ; age = 131 ; famous_book = "Their Eyes Were Watching God"};
Here's how we might go about doing this:
open Ptree
let () =
let serialize_author a = empty
|> put_path (String ["name"]
|> put_path (Int (Int64.of_int a.age)) ["age"] (* Have to cast to Int64 *)
|> put_path (String a.famous_book) ["famous_book"]
|> cat in
let serialized_elts = serialize_author authors in
let serialized = Array (Array.of_list serialized_elts) in
|> put_path serialized ["authors"]
|> file_of_peditor "authors.json"
which outputs into a file named authors.json
with contents:
"authors": [
"age": 57,
"famous_book": "Harry Potter",
"name": "J. K. Rowling"
"age": 59,
"famous_book": "Life of Pi",
"name": "Yann Martel"
"age": 131,
"famous_book": "Their Eyes Were Watching God",
"name": "Zora Neale Hurston"
This library is not yet published to OPAM, as it is not in the production-ready state that I believe it should be in before I let other people trust and rely on it:
- The parser library is implemented from scratch, and is perhaps not the most efficient. It has not been tested on very large files.
- The parsers for JSON and XML are not exactly down-to-spec (JSON is pretty close, XML still needs work). Implementing the (incredibly lengthy) spec perfectly was never my main goal with this project, I was more focused on learning.
- Generally, more unit testing needs to be done, checking more edge cases just to be more confident everything works correctly.