An unofficial way to import existing Sequel Pro or Sequel Ace connections into TablePlus.
Although a backup is created, this script is intended for use on fresh installations of TablePlus and will overwrite any existing connections.
- TablePlus
- Sequel Pro OR Sequel Ace
- Node
- NPM or Yarn
Tested and working with node v10.8.0
Please note that this script will not bring over any passwords. You will need to add those directly in TablePlus once the import is complete. You can easily copy the individual passwords by searching for the existing database name in the Keychain Access app.
Clone the project somewhere on your system:
$ git clone
Navigate into the freshly cloned project and use a package manager of your choosing to install required dependencies:
$ cd tp-importer
$ npm install
Be sure both Sequel Pro or Sequel Ace and TablePlus are closed and run the script:
$ ./tp-importer
- Commander.js - node.js command-line interfaces
- Inquirer - A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.