- Program Description
- Team Members and Rolls
- New Features
- Repo and Heroku App Links
- User Story
- Acceptance Criteria
- Development
- Usage
- Screenshots
- Functionality
- devlr Team
Create a customized profile to display your development background, pinned projects and status updates to share with other developers worldwide. devlr is a social media/portfolio/networking site designed just for developers. There is nothing like it on the open market, the nearest competitor would be Stack Overflow or GitHub for code sharing or Reddit for social interaction.
Our project combines the benefits of GitHub for sharing your code, and Twitter and other social media for sharing your life.
- Using OAuth, our application reaches out to the GitHub API to retrieve projects to highlight your work.
- Using a Mongo database allows users to personalize their pages, leave comments on other user’s pages, like and star comments and projects.
- In future enhancements, our Premiere tier will allow users to connect with other developers to further their careers, such as pairing mentors with junior developers and a job board to post opportunities for career advancement.
- Link to GitHub Repo - https://github.com/brandyquinlan/devlr
- Link to Heroku App - https://devlrapp.herokuapp.com
- Link to live App (COMING SOON) - http://devlrapp.com
AS an authenticated user...
I WANT to use an app to display my web development portfolio as a social media profile
SO THAT I can network with other developers
As an authenticated user...
WHEN I log into the app
THEN I can sign up my initial account
WHEN I click to Edit Profile
THEN I open a modal for data entry
THEN I can enter my GitHub username
WHEN I connect to a GitHub-authenticated account
THEN I can pull my GitHub profile information to fill my profile components
WHEN I submit changes to my profile
THEN I can see those changes posted to my page
WHEN I click the Appearance button
THEN I can change the color of my dashboard theme
WHEN I type a Wall status
THEN I can see it posted to the top of my feed
WHEN I click the New button
THEN a modal opens with a larger post box to submit a status post
WHEN I click Account on the side menu
THEN a modal opens where I can delete my devlr account
WHEN I click on Logout
THEN I follow the /logout route and am sent to the root page
- Go to https://devlrapp.herokuapp.com/
- Create an account on the "Signup" screen
- Create a Profile
- Have fun!
Please contact the devlr team with questions: devlr.app.team@gmail.com
- 🔗 Liz Townsend | GitHub: liztownd
- 🔗 Kat Buchanan | GitHub: katsign
- 🔗 Vinitha Kumar | GitHub: selvivini
- 🔗 Keaton Brewster | GitHub: keaton-brewster
- 🔗 Brandy Quinlan | GitHub: brandyquinlan
This project is MIT licensed. © 2021