These are a set of projects using Python.
-Python interpreter and IDE, such as PyCharm from JetBrains
They are listed as:
- Project 1
- Solver Checks if your dependencies are setup correctly.
- PyCheck Checks Python introduction.
- Project 2
- Connect4 Creates a connect4 two-player game.
- Homework2 Creates a credit card number validator.
- Project 3
- main Contains main game loop for a visual representation of solar system
- planet helper class
- sun helper class
- Project 4
- solitaire_animation contains main game loop for card animation
- card helper class
- c01 picture of card
- h01 picture of card
- Project 5
- main contains main game loop for GUI credit card number validator
- creditcard helper class
- Final Project
- main_game contains main game loop for game
For more info on specific files, use the interpreter help function. Enter the interpreter, import the file using command
import filename
This will print the docstring for the file, giving more info on the file, such as arguments, and functions.