- haizenman@ccny.cuny.edu
- Tuesday 12:00-2:00, Thursday 12:00-2:00 (also available by appointment)
- NAC 7/311
Points | |
5 | Discussion/Piazza |
15 | Reading Self Assessments |
40 | Homework - Submitted via Github Classroom |
30 | Exams (10pts + 10pts + 10pts) |
10 | Final project |
Date | Topics | Readings | Homework |
1/28 | The Phases of Software Development | 1 | https://classroom.github.com/a/bI_dHoR0 |
1/30-2/4 | Abstract Data Types and C++ Classes | 2 | https://classroom.github.com/a/l-K9eG91 |
2/6-2/11 | Container Classes | 3 | |
2/13 | Pointers and Dynamic Arrays | 4 | |
2/18 | * President's Day* (college closed) | ||
2/20-2/27 | Linked Lists | 5 | |
3/6 | Software Development with Templates, Iterators, and the STL | 6 | |
3/11 | Exam 1 | 1-5 | |
3/13-3/18 | Stacks | 7 | |
3/18-3/20 | Queues | 8 | |
3/25=3/27 | Recursive Thinking | 9 | |
4/1 -4/3 | Trees | 10 | |
4/8 | Exam 2 | 7-8 | |
4/10 | Tree Projects | 11 | |
4/15 | Searching: Hashing | 13 | |
4/17 | Sorting: Heap | 14 | |
4/19-4/28 | spring recess | ||
4/29 | Exam 3 | 9 - 11 | |
5/1-5/6 | Graphs | 15 | |
5/8-5/13 | Final Project Lab | 13-15 |
The schedule is subject to change.
- Textbook: Data Structures & Other Objects Using C++, Michael Main and Walter Savitch (any edition)
- Text Editor: any plaintext editor (I'll be mostly using VSCode in class)
- Compiler: anything C++17 compatiable (I use g++, which can be installed via MinGW on Windows and XCode on OS/X)
All the lectures and recitation activities and most of the in class coding samples are at https://github.com/ccnycs/csc212 You can earn extra credit by filing an issue or pull request. The issue/PR can flag/correct an error in the course material, suggest an addition to the course material, or otherwise contribute to the course material (I also like coding samples).
Unless I tell you otherwise, email should only be used to set up an in person meeting, inform me about accommodations, or discuss confidential material like grades.
Coursework related communications, such as questions on the lecture or homework, should be done through piazza, which allows anonymous posting. Please email me about grades. If you are uncomfortable with this policy, please speak to me.
- Homework must be submitted via github classroom.
- Homework submitted through other methods without prior approval will not be graded.
- Questions about the homework should be asked on piazza using the provided format.
- Emailed questions and questions not in that format may be ignored.
- Missing any exam (unexcused absences) will result in an F for the course.
- Missing the final project presentation will result in an F for the course.
- Send an email at least two weeks in advance about excused absences or exam conflicts.
- Have the accessibility center provide documentation for any accommodations ASAP
- Notify me that they've left documentation in my mailbox/etc.
- First plagerized assignment - 0 for the assignment
- Second plagerized assignment - 0 for all assignments
- Third plagerized assignment - 0 for the course
- Cheating on the midterms - automatic F in the course
- Cheating on the final - automatic F in the course
In the case of multiple similar homework submissions, plagerism on assignments is determined based on timestamps-the person who submitted first is assumed to be the originator and anyone else is assumed to have plagerized. All students who submit similar exam answers are assumed to be cheating.
Plagiarism is copying solutions from pretty much anywhere, including friends, solution manuals, and random websites. Plagiarism can result in various academic repercussions as described in the CCNY integrity policy: http://www1.ccny.cuny.edu/current/integrity.cfm and any work suspected of being plagiarized will be dealt with per CCNY guidelines