Clone into neovim config path.
Example (MacOS): git clone ~/.config/nvim
Using Vim Plug
Upgrade plugin manager: :PlugUpgrade
Upgrade plugins: :PlugUpdate
Dependes on a "patched" font. One that supports
Also depends on powerline font.
Currently iTerm2 font config:
Monaco 13 + Non-ASCII: mononoki NF 14
Currently Gnome Terminal font config:
Cousine Nerd Font 11 (legible at 12 but also good at 11)
Install powerline fonts:
- Linux: fonts-powerline
- MacOS: prefer brew when installing fonts
Validated with :LspInfo with a file of the chosen language.
Python - Jedi Language Server follow server install instructions.
On Linux, depends on wl-clipboard
on Wayland and xclip
on X11.
No changes necessary on MacOS.