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getJSON function similar to that of jQuery's.

If no callback or error-back is provided (or when an array of URLs is supplied), a promise will be returned. If an array is provided along with a callback, that callback will be executed before the promise is resolved.

You may use the file index-es.js to use the ES2017 await keyword for Promise results, as well as take advantage of ES6 Module import:

try {
  const [urlObj1, urlObj2] = await getJSON([url1, url2]);
} catch (err) {
  // Handle errors here

simple-get-json also accepts an array of URLs (waiting for all to load):

const [obj1, obj2] = await getJSON([url1, url2]);
// Do something with "obj1" and "obj2"

Alternatively, you can use regular then Promises:

getJSON([url1, url2]).then(function (objsArr) {
  // Do something with "objsArr" array
}, function (err) {
  // Handle any errors here
  console.log('err', err);

Or use the old callback style.

getJSON(url, function (data) {
  // Do something with "data"

An optional third argument can be provided as an error-back (which will be supplied the error message and originally supplied URL).


npm install simple-get-json



For older browser support
<script src="node_modules/core-js-bundle/minified.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/simple-get-json/dist/index.js"></script>

or for ESM:

  1. Direct use:
import {getJSON} from './node_modules/simple-get-json/dist/index-es.js';
  1. With a bundler:
import {getJSON} from 'simple-get-json';

Node (CJS)

const {getJSON} = require('simple-get-json');

See below for buildGetJSON usage.

Node (ESM)

In ESM Node, you can:

  1. Directly import the module (for use relative to the current working directory):
import {getJSON} from 'simple-get-json';
  1. Build a version of getJSON which works relative to the current file (or some other URL):
import {buildGetJSON} from 'simple-get-json';

const getJSON = buildGetJSON({
  baseURL: import.meta.url


  1. Build a version of getJSON which works relative to a specific file directory:
import {buildGetJSON} from 'simple-get-json';

const getJSON = buildGetJSON({
  cwd: '/some/current/working/directory'


  • Support named parameters ala jQuery
  • Support rest of jQuery API
  • Make local or URL loading optional for Node

See also