😄 I'm Brenda Souza (aka breudes), I'm brazilian and my prounouns are she/they. I understand these languages: brazilian-portuguese, english and spanish. I'm currently learning how to speak korean.
Also, I am
- BackEnd Intern at @AluraLatam;
- back-end dev;
- beginner illustrator;
- IT's undergraduate student at @IMD-UFRN;
- IT's technician by @EAJ-UFRN.
🌱 I'm currently learning ...
- Java, Spring and Hibernate;
- Software's Tests;
- Python and data analysis.
📫 Contact me
⚡ I'm also active on
- dev.to : https://dev.to/breudes;
- Medium : https://medium.com/@breudes;
- Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/breudes;
- Instagram (art purpose): https://www.instagram.com/_breudes.