Allows inline CoffeeScript code in Quaint markup.
Expressions in curly brackets will be evaluated in CoffeeScript.
quaint --setup coffeescript
2 + 2 is {2 + 2}
var quaint = require("quaint");
var qcs = require("quaint-coffeescript");
var q = quaint(qcs);
q.toHTML("2 + 3 = {2 + 3}");
// ==> "2 + 3 = 5"
In embedded CoffeeScript, you can use the h
function to create HTML
elements programmatically:
q.toHTML("{h 'a.cls#id', href: 'there', 'A', 'B'}");
// ==> '<a href="there" id="id" class="cls">AB</a>'
q.toHTML("{[(h "b", i * i) for i in [1, 2, 3]]}");
// ==> "<b>1</b><b>4</b><b>9</b>"
An object to use as the global object for eval
. All the properties
you set on that object will be available as top level variables in
The module to use for the virtualization (defaults to the standard
module, so you usally won't have to set it).
The module must implement these two methods:
vm.createContext(sandbox): "contextify" the object, i.e. make it into a proper environment for the evaluator. If you implement your own, you return the sandbox itself, or a copy.
vm.runInContext(code, sandbox): evaluate the code in the sandbox returned by