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Brian Delaney edited this page Dec 16, 2024 · 18 revisions


Automation Modules make it easier to perform routine triage tasks by using a preconfigured modules to retrieve and present data from your environment.

Available Modules

Base Module

The Base module processes incident or alert data and prepares it for consumption by other modules. This includes enriching entity data with Entra ID lookups and IP data with Geo location information. The base module must be called before any other modules in this solution as it performs important data enrichment and normalization activities that the other modules will use.

Supported Entity Types

  • Account
  • IP
  • Host
  • File
  • FileHash
  • DnsDomain
  • URL

Input Parameters

Parameter Expected Values Description
AddAccountComment True/False (Default:True) Add comment to Sentinel incident with account enrichments
AddIPComment True/False (Default:True) Add comment to Sentinel incident with IP enrichments
EnrichIPsWithGeoData True/False (Default:True) When set to true, IP address entities will be returned with Geo enrichment data such as Country, City and LAT/LONG
Incident or Alert Body Trigger Body (dynamic content) Carries the body of the Sentinel Incident or Alert trigger data to the STAT function
MultiTenantConfig For cross tenant deployments, this carries the necessary tenant information (see MSSP)
VersionCheckType Major/Minor/Build/None (Default:Build) Configures what type of STAT updates you will be notified about or disables all notifications

Entra ID Risks

The Entra ID Risks module (formally known as the Azure Active Directory Risks module) will retrieve the level of risk of the users in Azure AD Identity Protection as well as suspicious/fraudulent MFA Reports and MFA Failures. You need Entra ID P2 licenses to use this module.

Suported Entity Types

  • Accounts

Module Parameters

Parameter Expected Values Description
AddIncidentComments True/False (Default:True) When set to true, the results of the query will be added to the Sentinel Incident Comments
AddIncidentTask True/False (Default:False) When set to true, a task will be added to the Sentinel incident to review the query results if results are found.
BaseModuleBody Body (dynamic content) The Body should be selected from the Dynamic content of the Base-Module response
IncidentTaskInstructions Markdown Text A list of instructions you want to include in the task
LookbackInDays 1-90 This defines how far back to look through the SecurityAlert tables in Sentinel
MFAFailureLookup True/False (Default:True) This enables the lookup the SigninLogs table for MFA failures
MFAFraudLookup True/False (Default:True) This enables the lookup the AuditLogs table for suspicious MFA and MFA fraud reports

Return Properties

Property Description
AnalyzedEntities Returns the number of entities analyzed (returns 0 if no Account entities were found)
HighestRiskLevel Returns the highest risk level found in Entra ID for all entities(returns unknown if no Account entities were found)
FailedMFATotalCount Returns the total failed MFA request in the SigninLogs table for all entities (returns 0 if no Account entities were found)
MFAFraudTotalCount Returns the total MFA fraud reports in the AuditLogs table for all entities (returns 0 if no Account entities were found)
ModuleName The internal Name of the Playbook
DetailedResults An array containing the details for each entity

Sample Return

  "AnalyzedEntities": 2,
  "FailedMFATotalCount": 31,
  "HighestRiskLevel": "low",
  "MFAFraudTotalCount": 1,
  "ModuleName": "AADRisksModule",
  "DetailedResults": [
      "UserFailedMFACount": 0,
      "UserMFAFraudCount": 1,
      "UserId": "17de02b6-b883-4f4f-9acd-02ec09d160cd",
      "UserPrincipalName": "",
      "UserRiskLevel": "none"
      "UserFailedMFACount": 31,
      "UserMFAFraudCount": 0,
      "UserId": "7ec8eef7-784d-4afd-91a1-1fd433bfc3ee",
      "UserPrincipalName": "",
      "UserRiskLevel": "low"

File Insights

The File Insights module will check if the entities are found as email attachments and will run the FileProfile() function on the provided hashes.

Supported Entity Types

  • File
  • FileHash

Module Parameters

Parameter Expected Values Description
BaseModuleBody Body (dynamic content) The Body should be selected from the Dynamic content of the Base-Module response
AddIncidentComments True/False (Default:True) When set to true, the results of the query will be added to the Sentinel Incident Comments

Return Properties

Property Description
AnalyzedEntities Number of entities analyzed in the module
EntitiesAttachmentCount Number of times the entities were found in email attachements
HashedInvalidSignatureCount Number of hashes of files with no or invalid signatures found
HashesLinkedToThreatCount Number of hashes of files linked with a known threat found
HashesNotMicrosoftSignedCount Number of hashes of files not signed by Microsoft found
HashesThreatList List of known threat for hashes parsed witht the function FileProfile()
MaximumGlobalPrevalence Highest global prevalence score found in the FileProfile() output
MinimumGlobalPrevalence Lowest global prevalence score found in the FileProfile() output
ModuleName The internal Name of the Playbook
DetailedResults An array of Files and HashFiles

Sample Return

    "AnalyzedEntities": 2,
    "EntitiesAttachmentCount": 0,
    "HashedInvalidSignatureCount": 0,
    "HashesLinkedToThreatCount": 0,
    "HashesNotMicrosoftSignedCount": 0,
    "HashesThreatList": [],
    "MaximumGlobalPrevalence": 948591,
    "MinimumGlobalPrevalence": 751340,
    "ModuleName": "FileModule",
    "DetailedResults": [
        "EmailAttachmentCount": 0,
        "EmailAttachmentFileSize": "",
        "EmailAttachmentFirstSeen": "",
        "EmailAttachmentLastSeen": "",
        "FileName": "",
        "GlobalFirstSeen": "2018-09-17T22:09:03.4724305Z",
        "GlobalLastSeen": "2021-11-04T13:34:41.1027033Z",
        "GlobalPrevalence": 948591,
        "IsCertificateValid": 1,
        "MD5": "7353f60b1739074eb17c5f4dddefe239",
        "Publisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
        "SHA1": "6cbce4a295c163791b60fc23d285e6d84f28ee4c",
        "SHA256": "de96a6e69944335375dc1ac238336066889d9ffc7d73628ef4fe1b1b160ab32c",
        "SignatureState": "SignedValid",
        "ThreatName": ""
        "EmailAttachmentCount": 0,
        "EmailAttachmentFileSize": "",
        "EmailAttachmentFirstSeen": "",
        "EmailAttachmentLastSeen": "",
        "FileName": "",
        "GlobalFirstSeen": "2018-09-18T21:23:46.1435835Z",
        "GlobalLastSeen": "2021-11-04T13:32:43.879195Z",
        "GlobalPrevalence": 751340,
        "IsCertificateValid": 1,
        "MD5": "ae61d8f04bcde8158304067913160b31",
        "Publisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
        "SHA1": "4f4970c3545972fea2bc1984d597fc810e6321e0",
        "SHA256": "25c8266d2bc1d5626dcdf72419838b397d28d44d00ac09f02ff4e421b43ec369",
        "SignatureState": "SignedValid",
        "ThreatName": ""

Kusto Query Language (KQL)

This module allows you to run custom KQL queries against Microsoft Sentinel, Azure Data Explorer or Microsoft 365 Advanced Hunting. In these queries you can filter the results based on the entities data from you Microsoft Sentinel Incident

Supported Entity Types

  • Account
  • IP Address
  • Host

Module Parameters

Parameter Expected Values Description
BaseModuleBody Body (dynamic content) The Body should be selected from the Dynamic content of the Base-Module response
AddIncidentComments True/False (Default:True) When set to true, the results of the query will be added to the Sentinel Incident Comments. A maximum of 10 search results will be included
AddIncidentTask True/False (Default:False) When set to true, a task will be added to the Sentinel incident to review the query results if results are found.
IncidentTaskInstructions Markdown Text A list of instructions you want to include in the task
KQL Query KQL Query The KQL Query you wish to execute
LookbackInDays 1-90 This defines how far back to look back in the data, note this is limited to 30 days for Microsoft 365 Advanced Hunting
QueryDescription Text String (optional) This description will be added to the incident comments to provide additional context on the query
RunQueryAgainst Sentinel/M365 This defines if the KQL query will run against the Microsoft Sentinel data or the M365 Defender Advanced Hunting data

Building your KQL Query

In your KQL query you will have access to 3 tables built from the entity data of your Sentinel Incident. You can use these tables through join or where clauses in your query to locate the results you are looking for.

For best results, limit your query results to as few columns of data as possible. Including many columns may result in the ability to add comments to the incident to fail. Also, while you query may return many records and the count will always be returned, on the the first 10 records will include detailed column data. Consider using project and/or summarize in your query to optimize the returned results to just the data that is needed.

Sentinel Query Special Considerations
  • Only the first 10 records will be returned in the detailed results array. When using this array, such as when using the option to AddIncidentComments consider using the sort function so the most important records are returned in the first 10. This does not impact the ResultsCount that is returned.
  • It is recommended to limit the number of column data returned to what is needed. Consider the use of project or summarize to do this.
  • If you need your query to assess multiple time ranges, for example comparing the last day of data to the last week of data, ensure to set the LookbackInDays to the larger time window and incoroporate the more granular time windows through filter in your KQL query.
M365 Query Special Considerations
  • Only the first 10 records will be returned in the detailed results array. When using this array, such as when using the option to AddIncidentComments consider using the sort or summarize functions so the most important records are returned in the first 10. This does not impact the ResultsCount that is returned.
  • It is recommended to limit the number of column data returned to what is needed. Consider the use of project or summarize to do this.
  • When querying Microsoft 365 Security advanced hunting the LookbackInDays parameter is ignored. To limit your query to a specific time period please include a time filter in your KQL query syntax such as:
| where Timestamp > ago(7d)
Azure Data Explorer Special Considerations

To send a query Azure Data Explorer using this module select Sentinel in the RunQueryAgainst input. To perform this query we use the Azure Monitor proxy.

Queries to Azure Data Explorer should be formatted as:


Additionally, you must give the STAT identity access to the Database Viewer role on all ADX databases you wish to query. This is not done by the GrantPermissions.ps1 PowerShell script.

More information on granting permissions in ADX can be found here

Incident Tasks Considerations

When adding a task to an Incident a link to the query results will be supplied in the task. This link will always search the time window when the KQL query was executed. However, if you include relative time filters such as ago(7d) the results will not be consistent over time as this will be evaluated at the time filter will be evaluated at the time you click the link.

If you need to embed a time range in your query, it is recommended to encode the static time range into the query.

The following entity tables are available to you in both Sentinel and M365 Queries


UserPrincipalName SamAccountName ObjectSID AADUserId ManagerUPN user S-1-5-21-565368899-1117343155-2447612341-32656 f4ab0870-413b-4716-845c-426821fc9e96


IPAddress Latitude Longitude Country State 43.64280 -79.38705 canada ontario


FQDN Hostname computer01

These tables can be used in your KQL queries in any way you like. For example, if you wanted to check if any of the users in your Incident have failed to login to Azure AD due to a bad password more than 10 times, you could write a query like this:

| join kind=inner (SigninLogs | where ResultType == 50126 | summarize FailureCount=count() by UserPrincipalName | where FailureCount >= 10) on UserPrincipalName

If you would prefer to use a where statement instead of a join, the following query would produce a similar result:

let UPNs = accountEntities | project UserPrincipalName;
| where UserPrincipalName in (UPNs) and ResultType == 50126
| summarize FailureCount=count() by UserPrincipalName
| where FailureCount >= 10
The following scalar value is available to you in Sentinel queries


incidentArmId will contain the string value of the Incident ARM Id such as: '/subscriptions/subId/resourceGroups/rgName/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/workspacename/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/Incidents/incidentId'

This can be used if you want to retrieve the current incident details in a KQL query, such as the RelatedAnalyticRuleIds, AlertIds or other incident properties

| where IncidentUrl endswith incidentArmId
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by IncidentNumber
| project Title, Severity, Status, RelatedAnalyticRuleIds, AlertIds

Return Properties

Property Description
DetailedResults An array of each record found by the KQL query
LogicAppRunId Returns the Run id for that instance of the module run history to assist in troubleshooting
ModuleName The internal Name of the Playbook
ResultsCount Number of results found by the KQL query
ResultsFound true/false indicating if results were found by the KQL query

Sample Return

  "DetailedResults": [
      "Result1Column1Name": "Column1Value",
      "Result1Column2Name": "Column2Value",
      "Result1Column3Name": "Column3Value",
      "Resul1tColumn4Name": "Column4Value",
      "Result1Column5Name": "Column5Value"
      "Result2Column1Name": "Column1Value",
      "Result2Column2Name": "Column2Value",
      "Result2Column3Name": "Column3Value",
      "Resul12Column4Name": "Column4Value",
      "Result2Column5Name": "Column5Value"
  "ModuleName": "KQLModule",
  "ResultsCount": 2,
  "ResultsFound": true,

Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps (MCAS)


The Investigation Priority score used by this module is being retired by Microsoft, as announced in Message Center MC889532. The use of this module will likely begin to fail in most environments in November 2024. STAT releases 2.0.17 and greater (GitHub Release) will deprecate this module. This work is being tracked under Issue 106 badge.

The Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps (formally known as Microsoft Cloud App Security) module will get the investigation score of the account entities of the incident along with the history of that score and trending information.

Supported Entity Types

  • Account

Module Parameters

Parameter Expected Values Description
BaseModuleBody Body (dynamic content) The Body should be selected from the Dynamic content of the Base-Module response
AddIncidentComments True/False (Default:True) When set to true, the results of the query will be added to the Sentinel Incident Comments
TopUserThreshold 0-100 (integer) Return how many users are a part of the top X of account ordered by investigation score (X being the Top user threshold)
ScoreThreshold Score (integer) Minimum investigation score for a user

Return Properties

Property Description
AnalysedEntities Number of entities analyzed
AboveThreholdCount Number of accounts foud above the specified threshold
MaximumScore Maximum score found for all entities
HighestScorePercentile Highest score percentile for all entities
TopUserThresholdCount Number of accounts in the selected top number of users (defined by TopUserThreshold)
AnyThreatScoreTrendingUp Return true if any accounts have a score trending up
ModuleName The internal Name of the Playbook
DetailedResults An array of user with their respective score

Sample Return

  "AboveThreholdCount": 0,
  "AnalyzedEntities": 1,
  "HighestScorePercentile": 0,
  "TopUserThresholdCount": 0,
  "AnyThreatScoreTrendingUp": false,
  "DetailedResults": [
      "ThreatScore": 270,
      "IsTopThreatScore": false,
      "UserId": "312b4fab-fa2e-43d4-9885-5a78ae6772b9",
      "UserPrincipalName": "",
      "ThreatScoreTrendingUp": false,
      "LastThreatScorePercentile": 0,
      "ThreatScoreHistory": [
          "dateFormatted": "20221011",
          "dateUtc": 1665531216000,
          "score": 0,
          "percentile": 0,
          "breakdown": {}
          "dateFormatted": "20221010",
          "dateUtc": 1665444816000,
          "score": 0,
          "percentile": 0,
          "breakdown": {}
  "MaximumScore": 270,
  "ModuleName": "MCASModule"

Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

The Microsoft Defender for Endpoint module will return the risk score and exposure level from Microsoft Defender for Endpoint of all the machines on which a user logged on interactively and for all machines with specified IP addresses.

Supported Entity Types

  • Accounts (if the accounts have objectSid available)
  • IPs
  • Hosts (using the MdatpDeviceId if present, else construct the FQDN from the raw entitiy)

Module Parameters

Parameter Expected Values Description
BaseModuleBody Body (dynamic content) The Body should be selected from the Dynamic content of the Base-Module response
AddIncidentComments True/False (Default:True) When set to true, the results of the query will be added to the Sentinel Incident Comments
LookbackInDays 1-30 This defines how far back to look through the DeviceLogonEvents table in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

Return Properties

Property Description
AnalyzedEntities Number of entities analyzed in the module
UsersHighestRiskScore The highest risk score found for all machines of a specific user
UsersHighestExposureLevel The highest exposure level found for all machines of a specific user
IPsHighestExposureLevel The highest risk score level found for all machines with a specific IP
IPsHighestRiskScore The highest exposure level found for all machines with a specific IP
HostsHighestExposureLevel The highest risk score level found for all hosts matching the MdatpDeviceId or the FQDN
HostsHighestRiskScore The highest exposure level found for all hosts matching the MdatpDeviceId or the FQDN
ModuleName The internal Name of the Playbook
DetailedResults An array of the accounts and IPs analyzed

Sample Return

    "AnalyzedEntities": 4,
    "IPsHighestExposureLevel": "Unknown",
    "IPsHighestRiskScore": "Unknown",
    "UsersHighestExposureLevel": "Medium",
    "UsersHighestRiskScore": "High",
    "HostsHighestExposureLevel": "Medium",
    "HostsHighestRiskScore": "Low",
    "ModuleName": "MDEModule",
        "Accounts": [
            "UserDevices": [],
            "UserHighestExposureLevel": "Unknown",
            "UserHighestRiskScore": "Unknown",
            "UserId": "102b4fab-0a2e-43d4-9885-5a78ae6772a8",
            "UserPrincipalName": "",
            "UserSid": "S-1-5-21-1703388146-2621323185-1663833956-49112"
            "UserHighestExposureLevel": "Medium",
            "UserHighestRiskScore": "High",
            "UserId": "ff2b4fab-0a2e-43d4-ed85-5a78ae6714a8",
            "UserPrincipalName": "",
            "UserSid": "S-1-5-21-1703388146-2621323185-1663833956-1111",
            "UserDevices": [
                "id": "d8992d10a94d4aad9ffe4853823456501544d300",
                "computerDnsName": "",
                "riskScore": "High",
                "exposureLevel": "Low"
                "id": "12392d10a94d4aad9ffe4853823456501544d3e4",
                "computerDnsName": "",
                "riskScore": "Low",
                "exposureLevel": "Medium"
        "IPs": [],
        "Hosts": [
            "id": "b9e57eb3ab888957a952f2b9fedd719264f5dbd9",
            "computerDnsName": "",
            "riskScore": "Low",
            "exposureLevel": "Medium"

Out of Office

The Out of Office module (also known as Office 365 Out of Office module) takes user entity data and determines if the user has an Out of Office message set on their Microsoft 365 mailbox.

Supported Entity Types

  • Account

Module Parameters

Parameter Expected Values Description
BaseModuleBody Body (dynamic content) The Body should be selected from the Dynamic content of the Base-Module response
AddIncidentComments True/False (Default:True) When set to true, the results of the query will be added to the Sentinel Incident Comments

Return Properties

Property Description
AllUsersInOffice true/false if all checked users have Automatic Replies disabled
AllUsersOutOfOffice true/false if all checked users have Automatic Replies enabled
DetailedResults An array of Automatic Reply information for by user
UsersInOffice Integer representing number of users with Automatic Replies disabled
UsersOutOfOffice Integer representing number of users with Automatic Replies enabled
UsersUnknown Integer representing number of users with an unknown Automatic Replies status, this could be due to the user not having a mailbox in Microsoft 365 or other issues

Sample Return

  "AllUsersInOffice": true,
  "AllUsersOutOfOffice": false,
  "DetailedResults": [
      "ExternalMessage": "",
      "InternalMessage": "",
      "OOFStatus": "disabled",
      "UPN": ""
  "UsersInOffice": 1,
  "UsersOutOfOffice": 0,
  "UsersUnknown": 0

Microsoft Sentinel Related Alerts

The Related Alerts module takes the incident entity data and determines if other alerts about those same entities exist in Microsoft Sentinel within a specified timeframe.

Supported Entity Types

  • Account
  • Host
  • IP Address


Parameter Expected Values Description
Base Module Body Body (dynamic content) The Body should be selected from the Dynamic content of the Base-Module response
AddIncidentComments True/False (Default:True) When set to true, the results of the query will be added to the Sentinel Incident Comments
AddIncidentTask True/False (Default:False) When set to true, a task will be added to the Sentinel incident to review the query results if results are found.
AlertKQLFilter KQL Statement (Default:none) Optionally, a KQL statement can be added to filter out alerts you want to exclude from this module, see Alert Filtering below for more inforomation
CheckAccountEntityMatches True/False (Default:True) When set to true, the module will look for related alerts based on the Account entity type
CheckHostEntityMatches True/False (Default:True) When set to true, the module will look for related alerts based on the Host entity type
CheckIPEntityMatches True/False (Default:True) When set to true, the module will look for related alerts based on the IP entity type
IncidentTaskInstructions Markdown Text A list of instructions you want to include in the task
LookbackInDays 1-90 This defines how far back to look through the SecurityAlert tables in Sentinel
Alert Filtering

Some alerts in the SecurityAlert table may be of limited security value when performing an automated triage and you may want to filter them out so they are not considered. The AlertKQLFilter property of this module allows you to add an optional KQL filter to limit the alerts that are returned by this module. This filter only supports adding one or more | where statements, though other KQL may work, modifying the returned columns (reducing columns, adding columns, renaming) may cause the module to fail or produce unexpected results.

The AlertKQLFilter is applied in the KQL query after the most recent version of the alert has been returned and the entities array has been expanded using an mv-expand. To test a filter statement in Log search, use this KQL statement to test and place your filter at the end. Other filters, not shown below, are applied automatically in the module, such as only returning alerts that match the incidents account or ip entities.

| where TimeGenerated > ago(14d) 
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by SystemAlertId 
| where SystemAlertId !in (currentIncidentAlerts) or isFusionIncident
| mv-expand todynamic(Entities) 

Return Properties

Property Description
AllTactics An array of unique MITRE tactics including all tactics linked directly to the incident as well as any found in related alerts
AllTacticsCount Count of unique MITRE tactics from AllTactics
DetailedResults An array of each related alert that was found
HighestSeverityAlert The severity of the highest severity alert found (High, Medium, Low or Informational)
ModuleName The internal Name of the Playbook
RelatedAlertsCount Number of related alerts found. This number may exceed the sum of other related alert counts as an alert may be related to more than one entity type.
RelatedAlertsFound true/false indicating if related alerts were found
RelatedAccountAlertsCount Number of alerts related to account entity found
RelatedAccountAlertsFound true/false indicating if alerts related to account entity were found
RelatedHostAlertsCount Number of alerts related to host entity found
RelatedHostAlertsFound true/false indicating if alerts related to host entity were found
RelatedIPAlertsCount Number of alerts related to ip entity found
RelatedIPAlertsFound true/false indicating if alerts related to ip entity were found

Sample Return

  "AllTactics": ["InitialAccess","Impact"],
  "AllTacticsCount": 2,
  "DetailedResults": [
      "StartTime": "2021-11-03T12:16:29.541Z",
      "DisplayName": "Alert1",
      "AlertSeverity": "Informational",
      "SystemAlertId": "55d2036d-e471-4210-bfcd-fead43b85cf8",
      "ProviderName": "ASI Scheduled Alerts",
      "Tactics": "InitialAccess",
      "AccountEntityMatch": true,
      "IPEntityMatch": true,
      "HostEntityMatch": true
      "StartTime": "2021-11-01T20:23:45.386Z",
      "DisplayName": "Alert2",
      "AlertSeverity": "Informational",
      "SystemAlertId": "5342baa5-531d-7496-6f5f-b3e9c4a077dd",
      "ProviderName": "ASI Scheduled Alerts",
      "Tactics": "Impact",
      "AccountEntityMatch": true,
      "IPEntityMatch": false,
      "HostEntityMatch": true
  "HighestSeverityAlert": "Informational",
  "ModuleName": "RelatedAlerts",
  "RelatedAccountAlertsCount": 2,
  "RelatedAccountAlertsFound": true,
  "RelatedAlertsCount": 2,
  "RelatedAlertsFound": true,
  "RelatedHostAlertsCount": 2,
  "RelatedHostAlertsFound": true,
  "RelatedIPAlertsCount": 1,
  "RelatedIPAlertsFound": true

Microsoft Sentinel Threat Intelligence

The Threat Intelligence module takes the incident entities and allows you to cross reference them against data in the ThreatIntelligenceIndicator table.

Supported Entity Types

  • IP
  • Domain
  • URL
  • FileHash

Module Parameters

Parameter Expected Values Description
BaseModuleBody Body (dynamic content) The Body should be selected from the Dynamic content of the Base-Module response
AddIncidentComments True/False (Default:True) When set to true, the results of the query will be added to the Sentinel Incident Comments
AddIncidentTask True/False (Default:False) When set to true, a task will be added to the Sentinel incident to review the query results if results are found.
CheckDomains True/False (Default:True) Check Domain Entities for Threat Intelligence Matches
CheckFileHashes True/False (Default:True) Check File Hash Entities for Theat Intelligence Matches
CheckIPs True/False (Default:True) Check IP Entities for Threat Intelligence Matches
CheckURLs True/False (Default:True) Check URL Entities for Threat Intelligence Matches
IncidentTaskInstructions Markdown Text A list of instructions you want to include in the task

Return Properties

Property Description
AnyTIFound true/false if any Threat Intelligence was found for any indicator type
DetailedResults An array of Threat Intelligence that was matched with the incident entities
DomainEntitiesCount Count of Domain Entities in Incident
DomainEntitiesWithTI Count of Domain Entities with Threat Intelligence matches
DomainTIFound true/false if Domain Threat Intelligence was found
FileHashEntitiesCount Count of FileHash Entities in Incident
FileHashEntitiesWithTI Count of FileHash Entities with Threat Intelligence matches
FileHashTIFound true/false if FIleHash Threat Intelligence was found
IPEntitiesCount Count of IP Entities in Incident
IPEntitiesWithTI Count of IP Entities with Threat Intelligence matches
IPTIFound true/false if IP Threat Intelligence was found
ModuleName The internal Name of the Playbook
TotalTIMatchCount Count of all Threat Intelligence matches
URLEntitiesCount Count of URL Entities in Incident
URLEntitiesWithTI Count of URL Entities with Threat Intelligence matches
URLTIFound true/false if URL Threat Intelligence was found

Sample Return

  "AnyTIFound": true,
  "DetailedResults": [
      "TIType": "IP",
      "TIData": "",
      "SourceSystem": "Azure Sentinel",
      "Description": "TestingOnly Benign IP",
      "ThreatType": "benign",
      "ConfidenceScore": 0,
      "IndicatorId": "73F782D74E5A8D0A144076FCEF875D2ED16A59EBC15E1A0053D9BEFBB7C35F8D"
      "TIType": "URL",
      "TIData": "",
      "SourceSystem": "Azure Sentinel",
      "Description": "TestingOnly-BenignUrl",
      "ThreatType": "benign",
      "ConfidenceScore": 0,
      "IndicatorId": "6090F19551C4B7C7B5F7DEE6B1FC79B4457B3ACD6928313A860815190BC160D6"
      "TIType": "Domain",
      "TIData": "",
      "SourceSystem": "Azure Sentinel",
      "Description": "BenignThreat-Testing only",
      "ThreatType": "benign",
      "ConfidenceScore": 0,
      "IndicatorId": "EAB98E3ED850F21B5F23905E905B0338FC37B11D82428741F15F4505E9BDF9DA"
  "DomainEntitiesCount": 1,
  "DomainEntitiesWithTI": 1,
  "DomainTIFound": true,
  "FileHashEntitiesCount": 1,
  "FileHashEntitiesWithTI": 0,
  "FileHashTIFound": false,
  "IPEntitiesCount": 1,
  "IPEntitiesWithTI": 1,
  "IPTIFound": true,
  "ModuleName": "TIModule",
  "TotalTIMatchCount": 3,
  "URLEntitiesCount": 1,
  "URLEntitiesWithTI": 1,
  "URLTIFound": true

Microsoft Sentinel User Entity Behavior Analytics

The UEBA module allows you to take user entity data and lookup those users in the BehaviorAnalytics table to identity activities performed by the user that deviate from their previous patterns of behavior.

Supported Entity Types

  • Account

Trigger Parameters

Parameter Expected Values Description
BaseModuleBody Body (dynamic content) The Body should be selected from the Dynamic content of the Base-Module response
AddIncidentComments Yes/No When set to yes, the results of the query will be added to the Sentinel Incident Comments
AddIncidentTask True/False (Default:False) When set to true, a task will be added to the Sentinel incident to review the query results if results are found.
IncidentTaskInstructions Markdown Text A list of instructions you want to include in the task
LookbackInDays 1-90 This defines how far back to look through the UEBA tables in Sentinel
MinimumInvestigationPriority 1-10 Only BehaviourAnalytics records with an InvestirgationPriority of >= this value will be considered

Return Properties

Property Description
AllEntityEventCount Count of all related BehaviorAnalytics records
AllEntityInvestigationPriorityAverage Average investigation priority of all related BehaviorAnalytics records
AllEntityInvestigationPriorityMax Maximum investigation priority of all related BehaviorAnalytics records
AllEntityInvestigationPrioritySum Sum of investigation priority of all related BehaviorAnalytics records
AnomalyCount Count of matching account anomalies from the Anomalies table
AnomalyTactics Array of unique MITRE tactics associated with matching account anomalies
AnomalyTacticsCount Count of unique MITRE tactics from associated anomalies
DetailedResults An array of UEBA investigration priority values by UserPrincipalName
InvestigationPrioritiesFound true if any investigation priorities are found in all related BehaviorAnalytics records, otherwise false
ModuleName The internal Name of the Playbook
ThreatIntelFound true/false based on matching threat intelligence in BehaviorAnalytics table
ThreatIntelMatchCount Count of matching BehaviorAnalytics entries with matching threat intel

Sample Return

  "AllEntityEventCount": 222,
  "AllEntityInvestigationPriorityAverage": 4.031073446327683,
  "AllEntityInvestigationPriorityMax": 5,
  "AllEntityInvestigationPrioritySum": 899,
  "AnomalyCount": 8,
  "AnomalyTactics": [
  "AnomalyTacticsCount": 3,
  "DetailedResults": [
      "InvestigationPrioritySum": 180,
      "InvestigationPriorityAverage": 4,
      "InvestigationPriorityMax": 4,
      "EventCount": 45,
      "ThreatIntelMatchCount": 1,
      "UserPrincipalName": ""
      "InvestigationPrioritySum": 719,
      "InvestigationPriorityAverage": 4.062146892655368,
      "InvestigationPriorityMax": 5,
      "EventCount": 177,
      "ThreatIntelMatchCount": 2,
      "UserPrincipalName": ""
  "InvestigationPrioritiesFound": true,
  "ModuleName": "UEBAModule",
  "ThreatIntelFound": true,
  "ThreatIntelMatchCount": 3

Microsoft Sentinel Watchlists

The Microsoft Sentinel Watchlists module allows you to compare entity data from an incident against a watchlist to determine if that entity is present. This supports watchlists containing columns with UserPrincipalNames, IP Addresses, or CIDR address blocks.

Supported Entity Types

  • Account (UPN)
  • IP Address
  • Host (FQDN)

Note: For best results with host entities, the WatchlistKey should be in FQDN format ( although the module will also attempt hostname matches.

Module Parameters

Parameter Expected Values Description
BaseModuleBody Body (dynamic content) The Body should be selected from the Dynamic content of the Base-Module response
AddIncidentComments True/False (Default:True) When set to true, the results of the query will be added to the Sentinel Incident Comments
AddIncidentTask True/False (Default:False) When set to true, a task will be added to the Sentinel incident to review the query results if results are found.
IncidentTaskInstructions Markdown Text A list of instructions you want to include in the task
WatchlistKey ColumnName The column name of the watchlist to match with the entity data, such as the UPN or IP Address. If the WatchlistKey has a space in it, you must enter the key in the following format: ['Key Name']
WatchlistKeyDataType upn, ip, cidr or fqdn The type of data in the WatchlistKey column. Use CIDR if the WactchlistKey contains subnets using CIDR notation
WatchlistAlias Sentinel Watchlist Alias This is the Alias of the Watchlist in Sentinel you want to check.

Return Properties

Property Description
DetailedResults An Array of detailed results from each item that was checked against the watchlist
EntitiesAnalyzedCount Count of entities checked against the watchlist
EntitiesOnWatchlist True if any entities were found on the watchlist
EntitiesOnWatchlistCount Count of entities found on the watchlist
ModuleName The internal Name of the Playbook
WatchListName Name of the watchlist that was queried

Sample Return

  "DetailedResults": [
      "OnWatchlist": false,
      "EntityData": ""
  "EntitiesAnalyzedCount": 1,
  "EntitiesOnWatchlist": false,
  "EntitiesOnWatchlistCount": 0,
  "ModuleName": "WatchlistModule",
  "WatchlistName": "TrustedNetworks"

Risk Scoring

The Risk Scoring module takes the output from other STAT modules to calculate a relative risk score. This score can then be consumed by the calling Logic app to define different outcomes based on the score returned.

Supported Module Inputs

  • Entra ID Risks Module
  • Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Module
  • Related Alerts Module
  • KQL Module
  • Threat Intelligence Module
  • Watchlist Module
  • User Entity Behavior Analytics Module
  • File Module
  • Custom Content Scoring
Entra ID Risks Scoring

When scoring Entra ID Risks module the following default scores are assigned based on the user risk level in Entra ID Protection

Identity Protection Risk Level Score
High 10
Medium 5
Low 3
None 0

Note: If ScorePerItem=True, the sum of all user scores will be returned. If ScorePerItem=False, only the score of the highest severity user will be returned.

Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Scoring

When scoring the Defender for Endpoint module, the devices risk score will be calcuated from the UsersHighestRiskScore, HostsHighestRiskScore and IPsHighestRiskScore values from the MDE module. If ScorePerItem=True, the sum of the 3 values will be returned as the risk score, otherwise only the maximum value will be returned.

MDE HighestRiskScore Score
High 10
Medium 5
Low 3
Informational 1
Related Alerts Scoring

When scoring the Related Alerts module consider the following default scores are assigned based on the Alert Severity:

AlertSeverity Score
High 10
Medium 5
Low 3
Informational 1

Note: If ScorePerItem=True, the sum of all alert scores will be returned. If ScorePerItem=False, only the score of the highest severity alert will be returned.

Additionally, a score of 10 is added per unique MITRE tactic associated with the incident and any related alerts.

KQL Module Scoring

When scoring the KQL Module if ScorePerItem=True then the returned score will be 5 * ItemCount * ScoreMultiplier. If ScorePerItem=False the returned score will be 5 * ScoreMultiplier if 1 or more results are returned

Threat Intelligence Module Scoring

When scoring the Threat Intelligence Module if ScorePerItem=True then the returned score will be 10 * MatchedTIItemCount * ScoreMultiplier. If ScorePerItem=False the returned score will be 10 * ScoreMultiplier if 1 or more matching pieces of TI is found

Watchlist Module Scoring

When scoring the Watchlist Module if ScorePerItem=True then the returned score will be 10 * WatchlistMatchCount * ScoreMultiplier. If ScorePerItem=False the returned score will be 10 * ScoreMultiplier if 1 or more watchlist match is found

UEBA Module Scoring

Scoring for the UEBA module consists of 3 parts:

Score Part Explanation
InvestigationPriorityMax The maximum investigation priority score is taken and mulitpled by the ScoreMultiplier
ThreatIntelMatchCount If realted threat intelligence matches are found in the BehaviorAnalytics table, 10 * ScoreMultiplier is added to the score
AnomalyTacticsCount If related anomalies around found in the Anomalies table the number of uniqure MITRE tactics is determined and the AnomalyTacticsCount * 10 * ScoreMultiplier is added to the score

If ScorePerItem=False, AllEntityInvestigationPriorityMax is used and the global ThreatIntelMatchCount is used instead of the entity level counts.

File Module Scoring

When scoring the File Module the calculated score is based on (HashesLinkedToThreatCount * 10 * ScoreMultiplier) + (HashesInvalidSignatureCount * 5 * ScoreMultiplier). The ScorePerItem setting has no impact on the scoring of this module.

MDCA Module Scoring

When scoring the MDCA module, if ScorePerItem=True the score is calculated based on (AboveThresholdCount * 10 * ScoreMultiplier). If ScorePerItem=False, the score is calculated if the AboveThresholdCount > 0 as (10 * ScoreMultiplier).

Custom Content Scoring

In addition to scoring STAT modules, the Scoring module can also incorporate score data from other sources such as 3rd party threat intelligence, 3rd party vulnerability management systems and other Microsoft sources not presently covered by STAT.

To add custom content to the scoring module you will need to retieve the necessary information for your score from the source, determine an appropriate score to assign and then format the message to send to the scoring module.

Custom Sample input for Scoring Module
Module Input Value
Module Body
   "ModuleName": "Custom",
   "ScoringData": [
         "Score": 5,
         "ScoreLabel": "Virus Total - Medium Risk"
         "Score": 10,
         "ScoreLabel": "Custom Vulnerability Management Score"
Score Label This field is ignored when sending custom data, the label from the JSON data in Module Body will be used
Score Multiplier The Score passed in the Module Body will be multiplied by this value
Score Per Item This field is ignored when sending custom data, all scores in the array will be processed regardless of this setting

Note: Each item in the ScoringData array must include a Score property as an integer. If this property is not included, or it is not an integer the score item will be dropped.

Module Parameters

Parameter Expected Values Description
BaseModuleBody Body (dynamic content) The Body should be selected from the Dynamic content of the Base-Module response
AddIncidentComments True/False (Default:True) When set to true, the results of the scoring module will be added to the Sentinel Incident Comments
ScoringData-ModuleBody Body (dynamic content) The Body of a supported module you want to score
ScoringData-ScoreLabel string (Default:ScoredModuleName) Used to label the score outputs in the comment added to the incident
ScoringData-ScoreMultiplier Decimal value (Default:1) Default scores will be multiplied by this value, this can be a negative value which will result in the cumulative score being reduced
ScoreingData-ScorePerItem true/false (Default:true) true if you want to score the input on a row level (per alert or record)

Return Properties

Property Description
DetailedResults An array of each scored item with label and score
TotalScore Sum of all scored items

Sample Return

  "DetailedResults": [
      "Score": 25,
      "ScoreSource": "Bad Password KQL Query"
      "Score": 10,
      "ScoreSource": "Related Alerts - Initial Access Incident"
      "Score": 5,
      "ScoreSource": "Related Alerts - Multiple Password changes"
      "Score": -10,
      "ScoreSource": "Watchlist - Check for Trusted IP Location"
  "TotalScore": 30

Run Playbook

The Run Playbook module can be used to invoke other Microsoft Sentinel Playbooks. In situations where you are analyzing an incident using STAT, under certain conditions you may want to initiate other playbooks instead of incorporating the logic of those playbooks into your main STAT triage playbooks. This module allows you to reuse other playbooks as needed during an incident triage.

The identity of the function needs to have the Microsoft Sentinel Playbook Operators role on the logic app you wish to call.

Supported Entity Types

  • N/A

Trigger Parameters

Parameter Expected Values Description
BaseModuleBody Body (dynamic content) The Body should be selected from the Dynamic content of the Base-Module response
AddIncidentComments True/False (Default:True) When set to true, the start of the Playbook will be logged to the incident comments
LogicAppResourceId resourceId The resourceId of the Logic App (Playbook) you want to run against the incident
TenantId Entra ID (string) The Entra ID Tenant Id associated with the subscriptions of the Logic App

Return Properties

This module does not return a Body unless there is an error, but a status code is always included in the return.

Status Code Description
200 The called playbook successfully started
500 An error caused the called playbook from starting. This is usually due to the STAT managed identity not having Microsoft Sentinel Responder on the Sentinel resource group, the STAT managed identity not having Microsoft Sentinel Playbook Operator on the playbook you are trying to run or Microsoft Sentinel (Azure Security Insights) not having the Microsoft Sentinel Automation Contributor role on the resource group where the Playbook is located. This is needed to add a comment.

Create Incident

Allows for the creation of Sentinel incidents from a Sentinel alert where an incident does not already exist. This is useful when triaging large volumes of low-quality alerts to determine which should be elevated to an incident.

ℹ️ Note: Incident creation is only supported when starting from an alert triggered Playbook.

Supported Entity Types

  • N/A

Module Parameters

Parameter Expected Values Description
Title Title (string) Title of the incident
Description Description (string) Description of the incident
Severity Informational|Low|Medium|High (string) The severity of the incident (default is medium)

Return Properties

 "IncidentNumber": 123,
 "IncidentUrl": "https://...",
 "IncidentARMId": "/..."

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