This is to demo ACR Build Task with Azure DevOps
- az acr task create -n base-w2k19 -r bjd145 -t windows/bjdbasewindows2019:ltsc2019 -f src/Dockerfile.base --platform windows --context --commit-trigger-enabled false --pull-request-trigger-enabled false
- Or run ./create_acr_task.ps1
- Use the Build-Pipeline\build-pipeline.yaml
- Note: Build ID
- Update azure.parameters.prd.json to include the Build ID and Project Name
- az group create -n Test -l southcentralus
- az group deployment create -g Test --template-file .\azuredeploy.json --parameters .\azure.parameters.prd.json
- az acr webhook create --registry bjd145 --name PushNotification --actions push --uri {Taken from ARM Ouput}