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A Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures report
A problem with a library embedded in a distro
There is a problem with javascript files embedded in the distro
moved to wiki
moved to wiki
A security issue that isn't a CVE
Platform: linux
Platform: linux
add a feature that does not exist
Platform: macos
Platform: macos
improve a feature that already exists
Platform: other
Platform: other
an existing test is broken
Platform: windows
Platform: windows
an existing feature does not work
Priority: backlog
Priority: backlog
not working on this, unless someone else wants to
Priority: critical
Priority: critical
fix immediately
Priority: high
Priority: high
work on this first
Priority: low
Priority: low
get to this whenever
Status: accepted
Status: accepted
the fix is accepted
Status: awaiting cpan testers
Status: awaiting cpan testers
waiting for results from CPAN Testers
status: belongs to cpan-audit
status: belongs to cpan-audit
this issue should be in the cpan-audit repo
Status: can't reproduce
Status: can't reproduce
the reported behavior has not been seen
Status: changes requested
Status: changes requested
adjust the pull request as noted in comments
Status: duplicate
Status: duplicate
this issue is already an issue
Status: fixed
Status: fixed
the fix has been merged into master
Status: needs details
Status: needs details
the problem description needs more information
Status: needs feedback
Status: needs feedback
requestor or community feedback needed to go on
Status: needs help
Status: needs help
needs outside expertise or capacity
Status: needs testing
Status: needs testing
the fix needs to be tested
Status: needs verification
Status: needs verification
issue needs to be verified
Status: rejected
Status: rejected
this change is rejected
Status: released
Status: released
there is a new release with this fix
Status: stalled
Status: stalled
something is blocking progress
Status: verified
Status: verified
issue has been verified (is reproducible)
Type: bug
Type: bug
an existing feature does not work