New features
Example: alligator diet, model comparison table with LOO/WAIC weights
Example: mantis shrimp diet, informative priors + combining sources
Function: compare_models
to perform model selection based on LOO/WAIC weights, via loo
Function: combine_sources
to aggregate sources a posteriori
Function: summary_stat
to print summary of posterior after combining sources
Function: plot_intervals
to plot CI of posterior after combining sources
Minor improvements
Updated manual
Removed attach.jags
call (now directly use jags.1$BUGSoutput$sims.list
Added epsilon (multiplicative error term) estimates to output (summary stats, posterior plots)
Improved continuous effect output plots: 1) added 95% CI shading, 2) plot each level of fixed effect
Added check/error message: if sources by factor, sources must match for all factor levels
Bug fixes
Fixed bug #129 by using MCMCpack::rdirichlet
instead of compositions::rDirichlet.rcomp
Small changes to pass R CMD check
Fixed bug with 1FE + 1RE: empty levels Heidelberger diagnostic (#100 )
Fixed bug with 1FE + 1RE: posterior density plots saved over themselves
Added return value for output_JAGS
function: now returns p.both
if 1FE + 1RE
You can’t perform that action at this time.