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Bright Disputes

This project is a dApp for raising and solving the disputes on the Substrate-based blockchains. Process of building and running smart contract can be found in the sections bellow. Showcase scenario can be found in the documentation.


  1. cargo-contract 3.0.1
  2. ink-wrapper 0.5.0
  3. rustc-1.69
  4. jq

Before running anything, please update submodules.

git submodule update --init --recursive

Build (manually)

Bright Disputes is actually a smart contract and a CLI, which allows to execute commands on the Substrate node. In this section we will present how to manually build them.

Building smart contract

To build a smart contract locally we can run:

cargo contract build --release --manifest-path contract/Cargo.toml

This call will generate files:


and they can be deployed on the node.

Building CLI

Follow the instructions from the README. file.

Build (docker)

Smart contract can be build with the Docker:

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -f docker/Dockerfile --output artifacts . 

This will export bright_disputes.json, bright_disputes.wasm, bright_disputes.contract, to the artifacts directory.

Build (script)

The last way to build and run Bright Disputes is to use a script. We simplify the whole process, by providing a scripts/ script. It will starts aleph node, building and deploying smart contract on it. Script will also pre-fund accounts, which can be used to play/test with the smart contract. More details can be found in the showcase. Script is using three docker images:

  • disputes-node - is an image of the aleph node, where our smart contract is going to be deployed
  • disputes-cliain - is a image of cliain tool, which is a wrapper over substrate-api-client library. It simplify calls over Substrate chain extrinsic.
  • disputes-ink-dev - this image contains environment for building a smart contract

To run a script just type:

bash scripts/

Please note, that this script is based on the created by the Cardinal-Cryptography.

Running UI

To run a UI, please follow the instructions from the README file in ui folder.


To run a unit test:

cargo test --release --manifest-path contract/Cargo.toml

or with docker:

docker build -f docker/Dockerfile.testing --progress=plain .

E2E tests

Currently, we have four major tests for testing different endings of the dispute:

  • No majority of votes.
  • Verdict against the owner of the dispute.
  • Verdict against the defendant of the dispute.
  • Testing dispute rounds.

To run E2E tests on your local machine, first run a aleph-node, build and deploy smart contract. We can do it, by running script:

bash scripts/

Next we need to use ink-wrapper tool to generate a type-safe code for calling smart contract from our e2e tests:

cd tests
ink-wrapper -m ../contract/target/ink/bright_disputes.json --wasm-path ../contract/target/ink/bright_disputes.wasm | rustfmt +nightly --edition 2021 >

Finally we can run a e2e tests by calling:

cargo +nightly-2023-04-19 test --release

The output of the e2e test is:

test bright_disputes_test::test_dispute_verdict_none ... ok
test bright_disputes_test::test_dispute_verdict_positive ... ok
test bright_disputes_test::test_dispute_verdict_negative ... ok
test bright_disputes_test::test_dispute_rounds ... ok


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