Firmware Update Over The Air (FUOTA)
This release provides an implementation of the FUOTA specification. Currently the deployment is limited to one device as we would like to gather feedback on this implementation first. However, in this implementation the deployment to groups of devices is taken into account. Note: this feature is experimental and the API might change.
Updated rxInfo / txInfo (live frame-logs)
The LoRa Server <> LoRa Gateway Bridge messages have been updated to make the downlink scheduling more flexible and generic. This change exposes these fields in the live gateway and device frame-logs.
Payload codec
The payload codec settings have been moved to the Device Profile. Codec settings set in the application configuration still remain functional, but new codec settings must be configured in the Device Profile.
- Fix organization admin cannot add existing users. (#315)
Please upgrade LoRa Server first to v3 (see Changelog), then upgrade LoRa App Server to v3. This LoRa App Server release is fully backwards compatible.
Pre-compiled binaries are available at: https://www.loraserver.io/lora-app-server/overview/downloads/.