This package includes two things:
- A Python module for extracting keys from Memcached servers.
- A command-line utility for exploring, searching, and updating Memcached items.
This utility makes use of the Memcached status "features" discussed in the SensePost Blog.
Using pip (recommended):
$ pip install memcacheinspector
Or, using easy_install:
$ easy_install memcacheinspector
Or, you can download the source and install it by hand:
$ python install
Installing the package installs both the memcacheinspector python module as well as the mcinspect command-line utility.
- Python 2.6+
- The python-memcached module.
Usage: mcinspect [options] <action> [<arguments>] Actions: list Lists all items stored in the server(s). dump Dumps all items (including values) stored in the server(s). grep <pattern> Dumps all items (including values) whose key or value matches the specified search pattern. get <key> [<key> ...] Retrieves the items with the specified key(s). set <key> <value> Sets the item with the specified key and value. incr key Increments the value of the items with the specified key(s). decr key Decrements the value of the items with the specified key(s). delete <key> [<key> ...] Deletes the items with the specified key(s). flush Expires all items in the server(s). stats Retrieves statistics from the server(s). Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SERVER, --server=SERVER Specifies a server to connect to. Can be used multiple times. Defaults to ''. -z MAX_VALUE_SIZE, --max-value-size=MAX_VALUE_SIZE The maximum size (in bytes) of a value can be when performing a list or dump action. Zero or lower is interpreted as no limit. Defaults to 0. -d DELTA, --delta=DELTA The amount to change the value when using the incr or decr actions. Defaults to 1. -i, --ignore-case Ignore case distinctions in both the pattern and the items during the grep action. -v, --invert-match Inverts the sense of matching, to select non-matching items during the grep action. Output Format: list: <server connection string>|<expiration date>|<size in bytes>|<key> dump, grep: <server connection string>|<expiration date>|<size in bytes>|<key> <value> get, set, incr, decr: <server connection string>|<key> <value> delete: <server connection string>|<key> flush: <server connection string> stats: <server connection string>|<statistic key>|<value>
memcacheinspector is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for full text of the license.
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