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Custom OAuth2/OpenID Authorization Server


OpenID Connect is an authentication protocol built on top of the OAuth 2.0 framework that provides identity verification capabilities for web and mobile applications. It enables users to authenticate with an identity provider and obtain an identity token, which can be used to access protected resources on a web application.

Gravitee offers support for OpenID Connect authentication. This section includes set up instructions for:

OpenID Connect authentication

Ensure all prerequisites are satisfied before attempting to configure your OpenID Connect IdP in Gravitee.

  • Create your OpenID Connect client
  • Retrieve the following information for your client:
    • Client ID
    • Client Secret
    • Token endpoint
    • Token introspection Endpoint (optional)
    • Authorize Endpoint
    • UserInfo Endpoint
    • UserInfo Logout Endpoint (optional)
  • (Optional) Decide:
    • Scopes
    • Authentication button color
  • Decide proper user profile mappings:
    • ID
    • First name (optional)
    • Last name (optional)
    • Email (optional)
    • Picture (optional)


You can use either the gavitee.yaml file or the API Management Console to set up your OpenID Connect authentication. The tabs below contain general set up directions for OpenID Connect authentication:

{% tabs %} {% tab title="gravitee.yaml file" %} To configure an OpenID Connect authentication provider using the gravitee.yaml configuration file, you'll need to update to the file with your client information. You'll need to enter in this information where we have (enter in client information) called out in the code block. Depending on your client, this information will be different. To see a real-life example, check out the Configure Keycloak authentication section below.

{% code overflow="wrap" lineNumbers="true" %}

    - type: (enter in client information)
      id: (enter in client information; not required if not present and the type will be used)
      clientId: (enter in client information)
      clientSecret: (enter in client information)
      tokenIntrospectionEndpoint: (enter in client information)
      tokenEndpoint: (enter in client information)
      authorizeEndpoint: (enter in client information)
      userInfoEndpoint: (enter in client information)
      userLogoutEndpoint: (enter in client information)
      color: "(enter in client information)"
      syncMappings: false
        - (enter in client information)
        id: (enter in client information)
        email: (enter in client information)
        lastname: (enter in client information)
        firstname: (enter in client information)
        picture: (enter in client information)
        - condition: (enter in client information)
            - (enter in client information) 1
            - (enter in client information) 2
        - condition: (enter in client information)
            - (enter in client information)
            - (enter in client information)                  #applied to the DEFAULT environment
            - (enter in client information)          #applied to the DEFAULT environment
            - (enter in client information) #applied to environment whose id is <ENVIRONMENT_ID>

{% endcode %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="APIM UI" %} To configure OpenID Connect authentication using the APIM UI, follow these steps:

  1. Log-in to the Gravitee APIM UI, and select Organization from the left-hand nav.
  2. Under Console, select Authentication.
  3. Select + Add an identity provider.
  4. On the Create a new identity provider page, select OpenID Connect as your Provider type. Then you will need to:
    • Define General settings
      • Name
      • Description (optional)
      • Whether or not to allow portal authentication to use this provider
      • Whether or not to require a public email for authentication
      • Define Group and role mappings: this defines the level to which Platform administrators cam still override mappings. You have two options:
        • Computed only during first user authentication
        • Computed during each user authentication
    • Define Configuration settings
      • Client Id
      • Client Secret
      • Token Endpoint
      • Token Introspection Endpoint (optional)
      • Authorize Endpoint
      • UserInfo Endpoint
      • UserInfo Logout Endpoint (optional)
      • Scopes (optional)
      • Authentication button color (optional)
    • User profile mapping: this will be used to define a user's Gravitee user profile based on the values provided by the Identity Provider upon registration:
      • ID
      • First name (optional)
      • Last name (optional)
      • Email (optional)
      • Picture (optional)

When you are done, select Create. Then, go back to the IdP page, and toggle Activate Identity Provider ON for your new IdP. {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

If you're using a custom PKI

When using custom a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for your OAuth2 authentication provider, you may have to specify the certificate authority chain of your provider in APIM. To do this, you can either:

  • Export an environment variable for your current session. For example:

    export JAVA_OPTS="<MYPWD>"
  • Add an environment variable to your Docker Compose file to ensure that this configuration persists across settings. For example:

          file: common.yml
          service: managementapi
          - "8005:8083"
          - ./conf/ssl/truststore.jks:/opt/graviteeio-management-api/security/truststore.jks:ro
          - ./logs/management-api:/home/gravitee/logs
          - "local_mongodb:demo-mongodb"
          - "local_elasticsearch:demo-elasticsearch"
          - gravitee_management_mongodb_uri=mongodb://demo-mongodb:27017/gravitee?serverSelectionTimeoutMS=5000&connectTimeoutMS=5000&socketTimeoutMS=5000
          - gravitee_analytics_elasticsearch_endpoints_0=http://demo-elasticsearch:9200

Keycloak authentication

To better illustrate how the OpenID Connect configuration works (and to assist users who are using Keycloak as their authentication provider), this section describes how to set up Keycloak as an OpenID Connect authentication provider.

Create a Keycloak client

Before you can connect to the Gravitee portal using Keycloak, you need to create a new client. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Log-in to Keycloak and create a new client.

    Add a Gravitee client in Keycloak

  2. Enter in your client details for Gravitee. The Valid Redirect URIs value must exactly match the domain which is hosting APIM Portal.

    Enter Gravitee client details in Keycloak

  3. Once you're done and create the client, retrieve the client credentials that you will need to give to Gravitee.

    Keycloak client credentials that will need to be given to Gravitee

Create and configure Keycloak Client scope

  1. In your realm, go to the Client scopes page.

  2. Set a special gravitee-client-groups Scope that will contain users' roles.

    Keycloak console - Create scope

  3. In the new client scope, set a mapper with Claim name "groups".

    Keycloak console - Add mapper to scope

  4. In your realm, go to the Client page, and select your Client.

  5. Add the new configured scope in the Client Scopes tab.

    Keycloak console - Add scope to client

Create Keycloak Client roles

Optionally, you can configure Keycloak client roles. These roles can be defined later in Gravitee either via the gravitee.yaml file or the Gravitee APIM UI. To configure Client roles in Keycloak, follow these steps:

  1. In your client, create roles by organization, as needed.

    Add roles in Keycloak

  2. To configure Keycloak users with appropriate roles, select Role Mappings and define roles as is appropriate.

    Define role mappings

Gravitee role mapping uses Spring Expression Language (SpEL) for writing conditions. The only available object in context is #profile set from userInfoEndpoint. For example:

    - type: oidc
        - condition: "{(#jsonPath(#profile, '$.groups') matches 'gravitee-admin' )}"
            - "ORGANIZATION:ADMIN"
            - "ENVIRONMENT:ADMIN"

Configure Keycloak authentication in Gravitee

You can configure Keycloak settings in Gravitee either via the Gravitee APIM UI or the gravitee.yaml file. Either way, the configuration is stored in the database, meaning that APIM starts using your new configuration as soon as you select Save (if configuring in APIM Console) or restart the APIM API (if configuring in the configuration file).

See the tabs below for how to configure Keycloak authentication via the APIM UI and the gravitee.yaml file.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="gravitee.yaml" %} To configure Keycloak as an OpenID Connect authentication provider using the gravitee.yaml configuration file, you'll need to update to the file with your Keycloak client information as shown below:

{% code overflow="wrap" lineNumbers="true" %}

    - type: oidc
      id: keycloak # not required if not present, the type is used
      clientId: gravitee
      clientSecret: 3aea136c-f056-49a8-80f4-a6ea521b0c94
      tokenIntrospectionEndpoint: http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token/introspect
      tokenEndpoint: http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token
      authorizeEndpoint: http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/auth
      userInfoEndpoint: http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo
      userLogoutEndpoint: http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/logout
      color: "#0076b4"
      syncMappings: false
        - openid
        - profile
        id: sub
        email: email
        lastname: family_name
        firstname: given_name
        picture: picture
        - condition: "{#jsonPath(#profile, '$.identity_provider_id') == 'PARTNERS' && #jsonPath(#profile, '$.job_id') != 'API_MANAGER'}"
            - Group 1
            - Group 2
        - condition: "{#jsonPath(#profile, '$.job_id') != 'API_MANAGER'}"
            - "ORGANIZATION:USER"
            - "ENVIRONMENT:API_CONSUMER"                  #applied to the DEFAULT environment
            - "ENVIRONMENT:DEFAULT:API_CONSUMER"          #applied to the DEFAULT environment
            - "ENVIRONMENT:<ENVIRONMENT_ID>:API_CONSUMER" #applied to environment whose id is <ENVIRONMENT_ID>

{% endcode %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="APIM UI" %} To configure OpenID Connect authentication using the APIM UI, follow these steps:

  1. Log-in to the Gravitee APIM UI, and select Organization from the left-hand nav.
  2. Under Console, select Authentication.
  3. Select + Add an identity provider.
  4. On the Create a new identity provider page, select OpenID Connect as your Provider type. Then you will need to:
    • Define General settings
      • Name
      • Description (optional)
      • Whether or not to allow portal authentication to use this provider
      • Whether or not to require a public email for authentication
      • Define Group and role mappings: this defines the level to which Platform administrators cam still override mappings. You have two options:
        • Computed only during first user authentication
        • Computed during each user authentication
    • Define Configuration settings
      • Client Id
      • Client Secret
      • Token Endpoint
      • Token Introspection Endpoint (optional)
      • Authorize Endpoint
      • UserInfo Endpoint
      • UserInfo Logout Endpoint (optional)
      • Scopes (optional)
      • Authentication button color (optional)
    • User profile mapping: this will be used to define a user's Gravitee user profile based on the values provided by the Identity Provider upon registration:
      • ID
      • First name (optional)
      • Last name (optional)
      • Email (optional)
      • Picture (optional)

When you are done, select Create. Then, go back to the IdP page, and toggle Activate Identity Provider ON for your new IdP. {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Test your Keycloak authentication

You can easily test your Keycloak configuration by logging out of the Management Console, clearing your cookies, and logging back in. Once on the login screen, you should see a Sign in with Keycloak option. Upon entering in your Keycloak credentials, you should be successfully logged in.

  1. This example uses bcrypt to hash passwords.
  2. Define the password.
  3. Here, you can define information, passwords, roles, etc. for specific user types, such as user or admin.
  4. Define the roles.