DataBC KML Applications and Templates
The purpose of this repo is to convert existing mapserver kml applications and templates to use geoserver and house the results.
dbc-kml-apps/apps is for converted kml apps
dbc-kml-apps/apps/icons is for custom icons organized by kml app
dbc-kml-apps/geoserver is for geoserver ftl templates, named sld's, and xslts grouped by data source
dbc-kml-mapserver/kml holds the original kml apps that need to be converted
Here is a handy table for understanding the layers in existing mapserver templates.
The need for creating cutstom output type is stil unclear. If they are needed, this is how its done. To create a custom output type in GeoServer using XSLT, you need to define two files:
a. A custom output type declaration file
b. A custom output transformation file
Each pair of custom output files should specify the transformation of one and only one feature class.
A custom output type declaration file should be named .xml (e.g., kayml_geodetic_control.xml) where is "kayml_" and is a meaningful contraction of the featureClass name in the BC Geographical WhereHouse
A custom output transformation file should be named .xslt (e.g., kayml_geodetic_control.xslt)
Here is an example request for a custom output type called kayml_geodetic_control.xml:
Given a feature class called WHSE_REFERENCE.MASCOT_GEODETIC_CONTROL, the custom output type declaration file is named kayml_geodetic_control.xml
The custom output type transformation file for this feature class is called kayml_geodetic_control.xslt