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The Cool GH Releases action

Download/Upload release Assets - A more complete action for Github releases



This action supports 3 modes: download, update, delete. A common use is to create releases or to get assets from a release, here are some examples:

Download assets from a release

      - name: Download asset from release with tag v3.0.0 
        uses: Xotl/cool-github-releases@v1
          mode: download
          tag_name: v3.0.0
          github_token: ${{ github.token }}

Let's see what the options means:

mode - Indicates that we want to download assets. If no mode is specified, default value is download.
tag_name - Indicates that we want to download from a release with the tag v3.0.0.
assets - Indicates that we want the asset with the name to be downloaded at the current working directory.
github_token - A valid github token. For releases you can use the one created for the workflow.

Here's another example:

      - name: Download assets & LICENCE from release with tag A-fancy-tag 
        uses: Xotl/cool-github-releases@v1
          github_token: ${{ github.token }}

mode - Since the default value is download we don't need to pass any mode if we want to download assets.
tag_name - If we don't specify a tag then the latest release will be used to download assets.
assets - Indicates that we want to download the assets with name & LICENSE in that release, but the asset LICENSE will be downloaded at myFolder/myLicense.txt.
github_token - A valid github token. For releases you can use the one created for the workflow.

Create a release and upload assets

      - name: It should create a release with assets and LICENCE 
        uses: Xotl/cool-github-releases@v1
          mode: update
          tag_name: v3.0.0
          body_mrkdwn: "### It works!\n Wow, it worked like a charm πŸŽ‰"
          assets: myFolder/
          github_token: ${{ github.token }}

Let's see what the options means:

mode - Indicates that we want to create or edit a release. If a release with that tag already exists it will be updated.
tag_name - Indicates that we want to create a release with the tag v3.0.0. If a release with that tag already exists it will be updated instead.
body_mrkdwn - The description of the release will be a nice formated markdown: ### It works!\n Wow, it worked like a charm πŸŽ‰.
assets - The file at myFolder/ will be uploaded to that release.
github_token - A valid github token. For releases you can use the one created for the workflow.

Here's another example:

      - name: It should create a release with assets and LICENCE 
        uses: Xotl/cool-github-releases@v1
          mode: update
          isPrerelease: true
          tag_name: v3.0.0
          release_name: "My Release"
          body_mrkdwn: "### It works!\n Wow, it worked like a charm πŸŽ‰"
          assets: myFolder/;LICENSE|text/plain;
          github_token: ${{ github.token }}

mode - Indicates that we want to create or edit a release. If a release with that tag already exists it will be updated.
isPrerelease - Our release will be flagged as a prerelease.
tag_name - Indicates that we want to create a release with the tag v3.0.0. If a release with that tag already exists it will be updated instead.
release_name - The release will have the name My Release instead of the tag.
body_mrkdwn - The description of the release will be a nice formated markdown: ### It works!\n Wow, it worked like a charm πŸŽ‰.
assets - Will upload files myFolder/ & LICENSE to the release, but since the LICENSE file doesn't have an extension associated to a MIME type we need to specify it, in this case the MIME type is text/plain.
github_token - A valid github token. For releases you can use the one created for the workflow.


The required inputs will vary depending on the selected mode.

There are only 3 valid values: download, update, delete. If no mode is provided then it will use the default value (default is download).

All modes require a valid github_token, commonly you can use the one provided in the environment for your workflow. In case you get some permissions error messages you will need to provide a token with more elevated privileges.

Mode: download since v1.0.7

⚠ This is the default mode if no mode is specified.

Use this mode to download assets from an existant release.


  • assets (required) since v1.0.7


    <asset_expresion> := <asset_name>
    <asset_expresion> := <asset_name>|<file_path>

    • asset_name - Name of the asset in the release that you will see under asset section in a release at the Github page.
    • file_path - A valid path where the asset will be downloaded.

    A string indicating the assets that you want to download. You can get one asset, multiple assets or even specify a download path.

    Note: Since v1.1.5, if you provide a file path it will try to create the folder in case it doesn't exists.

    The character ; is the separator for different asset names and a | character after an asset name indicates the path in which the asset will be downloaded.


    • Single asset:
      assets: # Will download asset at the current working directory
    • Single asset with different path
      assets:|myFolder/ # Will download asset at myFolder/ 
      assets:|myFolder/ # Will download asset at myFolder/ 
    • Multiple assets
      # Will download assets, and cat.png at the current working directory 
    • Multiple assets with different path/name
      # Will download 3 assets:
      #     - Asset with name will be downloaded at myFolder/
      #     - Asset with name cat.png will be downloaded at the current working directory
      #     - Asset with name logo.svg will be downloaded at myFolder/something.svg
  • releaseId since v1.0.7

    You can provide a release id instead of a tag. If you pass releaseId the input tag_name will be ignored.
    Note: If no releaseId nor tag_name is specified then it will use the latest release.

  • tag_name since v1.0.7

    The tag of a release. If releaseId is provided then this value will be ignored.
    Note: If no releaseId nor tag_name is specified then it will use the latest release.

  • repository since v1.1.3

    Set this value only if you want to download assets from another repository. Must be a string representing the repository in the format / i.e. microsoft/vscode-docs.

    Note: Don't forget to pass a github token with the right permissions when setting this input otherwise you will get an error.

Mode: update since v1.0.7

Use this mode to create/edit releases. Also this mode allows you to upload assets to the release.

Since v1.1.2 you have the option of replacing existing assets by setting replace_assets to true. With this option set, if you're going to edit a release and an asset name in that release matches one of your assets specified via the assets input then the existant asset will be deleted from the release so the new asset can be uploaded. Basically replaces the old asset with the new one provided. Without setting this option, the default behavior is for the action to fail if you try to upload assets that already exist.


  • assets since v1.0.7


    <file_expresion> := <file_path>
    <file_expresion> := <file_path>|<mime_type>

    • file_path - Path where the file is located.
    • mime_type - A valid MIME type of the file that will be uploaded.

    A string indicating the path of the file(s) that you want to upload. You can upload one or multiple files by using the character ; as separator.

    Since the Github Api requires to indicate the MIME type of each file you want to upload, the action will try to infer the MIME type based on the extension (it uses mime-types's lookup method). If the file has no extension or the extension cannot be associated to just one MIME type then you need to speficy a MIME type.

    To specify a MIME type you need to use the character | after the file path.


    • Single file
      # Will upload file that is located at the current working directory.
      # The MIME type will be inferred.
      Single file with MIME type
      # Will upload file LICENSE but since it has no extension we specify the MIME type as 'text/plain'
      assets: LICENSE|text/plain
    • Multiple files
      # Will upload assets, and cat.png that are located at
      # the current working directory 
    • Multiple files with different MIME type
      # Will upload 3 files:
      #     - File LICENSE inside 'myFolder/' folder using the MIME type 'text/plain'
      #     - File at the current working directory with MIME type inferred
      #     - File myBinaryFile inside 'anotherFolder/' folder using the MIME type 'application/octet-stream'
      assets: myFolder/LICENSE|text/plain;;anotherFolder/myBinaryFile|application/octet-stream
  • releaseId since v1.0.7

    ⚠ This value is required if no tag_name is provided.

    Id of the release that you want to edit. If releaseId then tag_name will be ignored.

  • tag_name since v1.0.7

    ⚠ This value is required if no releaseId is provided.

    Tag that will be used to edit/create the release. If a release with the tag name provided already exists then the release will be edited otherwise it will create a release associated to that tag.

    While creating a release, if the provided tag doesn't exists then it will create the tag too.

  • release_name since v1.0.7

    Indicates the name of the release. If this value is not provided then the value of tag_name will be used instead.

  • initial_mrkdwn since v1.1.2

    Description that you want for your release, if the release does not already exist. This can be markdown syntax. Default value is the value of body_mrkdwn if that is also set, or Release based on tag **${tag_name}**. Enjoy! πŸŽ‰ if neither is set.

  • body_mrkdwn since v1.0.7

    Description that you want for your release even if it already exists. This can be markdown syntax. If you omit this, an existing release description will not be modified.

  • isDraft since v1.0.7

    Set this value to true if you want this release to be flagged as a draft.
    Note: a draft release won't generate any tags.

  • isPrerelease since v1.0.7

    Set this value to true if you want this release to be flagged as a prerelease.

  • replace_assets since v1.1.2

    Set this value to true if you want to be able to replace assets that already exist in the release, otherwise they will be considered errors.

  • repository since v1.1.3

    Set this value only if you want to upload assets to another repository. Must be a string representing the repository in the format / i.e. microsoft/vscode-docs.

    Note: Don't forget to pass a github token with the right permissions when setting this input otherwise you will get an error.


It will expose the id of the created/edited release using the name releaseId.

  • releaseId since v1.0.7

    It will expose the id of the created/edited release using the name releaseId.


          - name: It should create a release with assets and LICENCE
            id: hello
            uses: Xotl/cool-github-releases@v1
              mode: update
              tag_name: v3.2.1
              github_token: ${{ github.token }}
            # Use the output from the `hello` step
            - name: Get the output releaseId
              run: echo "The releaseId is ${{ steps.hello.outputs.releaseId }}"

Mode: delete since v1.0.7

Deletes a release by tag or id.
Note: tag associated to that release won't be deleted.


  • releaseId since v1.0.7

    ⚠ This value is required if no tag_name is provided.

    Id of the release that you want to delete. If releaseId is provided then tag_name will be ignored.

  • tag_name since v1.0.7

    ⚠ This value is required if no releaseId is provided.

    Tag associated to the release that you want to delete.

  • repository since v1.1.3

    Set this value only if you want to delete assets from another repository. Must be a string representing the repository in the format / i.e. microsoft/vscode-docs.

    Note: Don't forget to pass a github token with the right permissions when setting this input otherwise you will get an error.

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