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Test Automation with Cypress, TypeScript and Page Objects Model

This repository contains a test automation project developed with Cypress, TypeScript and Page Objects Model (POM). The goal of this project is to validate the functionalities of an e-commerce, ensuring that the main user journeys work as expected.

🛠️ About the Project

This project was created to perform automated tests on an e-commerce, including:

  • Authentication (Login and Registration)
  • Product Search
  • Shopping Cart

🚀 Technologies Used

  • Cypress - Framework for end-to-end testing.
  • TypeScript - JavaScript superset for static typing.

📦 Installation and Configuration

Follow the steps below to install and configure the project:

  1. Installation of devDependencies:

Make sure Node.js is installed.

To install the devDependencies, run:

npm install
  1. Running the Tests:
  • To open the Cypress App, run:
npm run cy:open
  • To run the tests in headless model run:
npm test

📁 Project Structure

├── cypress
│ ├── e2e                  # Test files
│ └── support              # Cypress support files
│   └── page_objects       # Page Objects Models
├── cypress.config.ts      # Cypress configuration
├── package.json           # Project dependencies, npm scripts, etc.
├── tsconfig.json          # TypeScript configuration
└──              # Project documentation

Available Tese Cases

The below test cases are currently implemented.

cypress/e2e/ (3 tests)
└─ Authentication
  ├─ successfully logs in
  ├─ shows an error message when trying to login with invalid credentials
  └─ successfully registers a new user

cypress/e2e/ (2 tests)
└─ Search
  ├─ searches for an existing product
  └─ searches for an non-existing product

cypress/e2e/ (1 test)
└─ Shopping Cart
  └─ successfully adds a product to the cart

🧪 How to Add New Tests

  1. Create a new file in the cypress/e2e folder with the name of the functionality that will be tested (e.g.,
  2. Use the best practices of Cypress and TypeScript to implement the test.
  3. Run the tests to validate that they're working as expected.

🤝 Contribution

Feel free to contribute to this project! To do so:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch:
git checkout -b branch-name-here
  1. Commit your changes and push them to your fork

  2. Open a Pull Request explaining your changes

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me.