Small Application that returns a list of pokemons and presents details of them. Also, the aplication is capable of storing the user favorites pokemons listing them on a separate page.
- The user is able to see a main screen with a list of all Pokémons (with corresponding name and image for each of them)
- In the main page: there is pagination in the list of Pokémons.
- From the main page, while clicking a Pokémon, the user is able to navigate to another page containing the details of that Pokémon.
- In the Pokémon details page, the user sees at least 6 descriptions, the image and the name of one Pokémon.
- In the Pokémon detail page, the user is able to favorite the Pokémon.
- From the main page, the user is able to navigate to another page. This page contain a list of the favorite Pokémons.
- The application is implemented in React.
- To get the list of Pókemons and their details, the PokéAPI was used:
- Usage of the state to handle the list of favorite Pokémons.
- Usage of UI framework MaterialUI.
- The app is responsive.
npm install
npm start