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A simple Erlang database mapping tool that maps protobuffers to a relational schema, generating the .proto as well as all the CRUDL (Create, Read, Update, Delete, and List/Lookup) code. You can now serialize protobuffers from a web client straight to the database using protobuffers. Supports integration with gpb. Currently only support Postgres.


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An escript that generates protobuffers and Erlang CRUDL (Create, Read, Update, Delete, List/Lookup) based on your relational data model. The tool will generate code that supports either records or maps. The tool supports the Erlang gpb library, though not required. Currently, it only supports Postgres.

Aside from simple CRUDL, this tool allows you to generate functions based on any standard SQL query, lookups, and transformations. The custom mappings and transformations are very powerful.

Please look at the example directory to an example schema and configuration file to generate not just simple CRUD, but search/lookup operations based on indexed fields, as well as custom mapping queries including how to use transformations to work with PostGis where you want to tranform lat/lon to geography columns.

Installing Erlang

Make sure you have a minimum of Erlang/OTP 23 installed. Currently, this has only been tested on MacOS.

Mac OS X

Using Homebrew:

brew install erlang

Using MacPorts:

sudo port install erlang


Most operating systems have pre-built Erlang distributions in their package management systems. For Ubuntu/Debian:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install erlang

For Fedora:

sudo yum install erlang

For FreeBSD

sudo pkg update
sudo pkg install erlang


Download the Window installer

Download and install Rebar3

Please follow the getting started instruction

Install Docker

If you are setting up docker for the first time on Ubuntu using snap, the follow these instructions. Due to the confinement issues on snappy, it requires some manual setup to make docker-snap works on your machine.

Mac OS X

Using Homebrew:

brew install --cask docker
open /Applications/


On Ubuntu classic, before installing the docker snap, please run the following command to add the login user into docker group.

sudo addgroup --system docker
sudo adduser $USER docker
newgrp docker

Once installed, you can then manage the services

sudo snap services

To start the docker service

sudo snap start docker

Setting Up Database For Building The Examples

First, start the docker image in the examples subdirectory and then create the proto_crudl Role and Database with create database and superuser privileges and password proto_crudl.

cd example
docker-compose up

Now log in as the user locally to postgres running in the container

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U proto_crudl

or you can try...

docker run -it --link some-postgis:postgres --rm postgres sh -c 'exec psql -h "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR" -p "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT" -U proto_crudl'

Resetting the Example Database

This helper script will allow you to rapidly drop and recreate your database. This expects the role and database proto_crudl



From the top level directory

rebar3 escriptize


cd example

or directly

_build/default/bin/proto_crudl <config>


Several of the eunit tests rely on the presence of the example database. Currently unit and functional tests are commingled.

rebar3 eunit

Note, when rerunning eunit tests after generating the example code, you must reset the database otherwise the version columns may still be present and cause the tests to faile.

Building the Example

The project includes an example schema and scripts to build located in the example directory. You will find the build scripts in example/bin to create or reset the example database as well as to generate the code in the example schema, which is located in example/database. The schema was generated using DbSchema.

PLEASE NOTE: You will see errors and warnings in the output. This is intentional as the example schema includes a lot of corner cases, like a table without a primary key and unsupported postgres types.

Testing the Generated Code

The example code also contains some tests that tests the results of the generated code. To run these tests They are located in example/apps/test/example_test.erl and do full CRUDL test.

cd example
rebar3 eunit

Please refer to these test to better understand how to use the generated code.

Using proto_crudl

Currently, I have not had time to write a github pull script for the escript executable artifact: _build/default/bin/proto_crudl. At this time I manually copy the file to my project. So not build friendly just yet.

Mapping to Protobuffers

This is important to read. One of the most significant disjointed aspects of using Erlang records that are mapped to Protobuffers is the how timestamps are supported. For protobuffers, there is only a timestamp data type while in Erlang, and relational databases, there is support for multiple datetime data types including date and timestamp.

proto_crudl is a framework that generates Erlang code the maps between a relational database, Erlang maps or records, and protobuffers, we make a conscious choice to err on the side of native support. If you are using the default gpb generated records, it presumes that all datetime fields are timestamps. This means that proto_crudl will treat datetimes as native Erlang data types (i.e. {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Seconds}} and {Year, Month, Day}). When serializing a protobuffer across the wire with gpb you must call to_proto/1 and from_proto/1 to encode and decode to a google.protobuf.Timestamp.

There are built-in helper functions called ts_encode/1, ts_decode/1, date_encode/1, and date_decode/1 when operating on the record values natively in Erlang.


You will want to look at example/config/proto_crudl.config as a guide for your own config. It gives a complete example with inline documentation of the current functionality of the tool.

Almost all the configs follow the pattern of a list of tuples where the first element in the tuple is the table, and the second element is then a list.

The more complex feature of proto_crudl is the ability to apply transformations or sql functions. If you are using PostGIS, or need to apply other functions, you will need to use this feature.

{transforms, [
    {"test_schema.user", [
        {insert, [{"geog", "ST_POINT($lon, $lat)::geography"}]},
        {update, [{"geog", "ST_POINT($lon, $lat)::geography"}]},
        {select, [{"lat", "ST_Y(geog::geometry)"},
                  {"lon", "ST_X(geog::geometry)"}]}]},
    {"", [
        {select, [{"foobar", "1"}]}]}

Following the same pattern of a list of tables with a list of tuples. In the case of converting a lat and lon to a geography, you must define each of the operations insert/create, update, and select/read on how the column values will be handled to and from the database. The result is that the columns lat and lon will be generated as virtual columns in the mapping. Note that when referencing them in the function body (the second element of the tuple), you will need to prepend them with the $ so that proto_crudl knows they are the virtual columns being operated on. For the insert operation, a single tuple is defined which will result in the extension function ST_POINT($lat, $lon)::geography to be applied to the bind values of the INSERT statement. Resulting in the following code:

-define(INSERT, "INSERT INTO test_schema.user (first_name, last_name, email, user_token, enabled, aka_id, my_array, user_type, number_value, created_on, updated_on, due_date, version, geog) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, 0, ST_POINT($14, $13)::geography) RETURNING user_id, first_name, last_name, email, user_token, enabled, aka_id, my_array, user_type, number_value, created_on, updated_on, due_date, version, ST_Y(geog::geometry) AS lat, ST_X(geog::geometry) AS lon").


create(M = #{lon := Lon, lat := Lat, due_date := DueDate, updated_on := UpdatedOn, created_on := CreatedOn, number_value := NumberValue, user_type := UserType, my_array := MyArray, aka_id := AkaId, enabled := Enabled, user_token := UserToken, email := Email, last_name := LastName, first_name := FirstName}) when is_map(M) ->
    Params = [FirstName, LastName, Email, UserToken, Enabled, AkaId, MyArray, user_type_value(UserType), NumberValue, ts_decode_map(CreatedOn), ts_decode_map(UpdatedOn), DueDate, Lat, Lon],
    case pgo:query(?INSERT, Params, #{decode_opts => [{return_rows_as_maps, true}, {column_name_as_atom, true}, {decode_fun, fun decode_row/2}]}) of
        #{command := insert, num_rows := 0} ->
            {error, failed_to_insert};
        #{command := insert, num_rows := 1, rows := [Row]} ->
            {ok, Row};
        {error, {pgsql_error, #{code := <<"23505">>}}} ->
             {error, exists};
        {error, Reason} ->
            {error, Reason}
create(M = #{lon := Lon, lat := Lat, due_date := DueDate, updated_on := UpdatedOn, created_on := CreatedOn, number_value := NumberValue, user_type := UserType, my_array := MyArray, aka_id := AkaId, email := Email, last_name := LastName, first_name := FirstName}) when is_map(M) ->
    Params = [FirstName, LastName, Email, AkaId, MyArray, user_type_value(UserType), NumberValue, ts_decode_map(CreatedOn), ts_decode_map(UpdatedOn), DueDate, Lat, Lon],
    case pgo:query(?INSERT_DEFAULTS, Params, #{decode_opts => [{return_rows_as_maps, true}, {column_name_as_atom, true}, {decode_fun, fun decode_row/2}]}) of
        #{command := insert, num_rows := 0} ->
            {error, failed_to_insert};
        #{command := insert, num_rows := 1, rows := [Row]} ->
            {ok, Row};
        {error, {pgsql_error, #{code := <<"23505">>}}} ->
             {error, exists};
        {error, Reason} ->
            {error, Reason}
create(_M) ->
    {error, invalid_map}.

I would recommend that you build the example project and then review the generated code for test_schema_user_db.erl to get a better understanding.

Updating foreign key values

proto-crudl generates all the Create, Read, Update, Delete, and List/Lookup functions based on the table schema while supporting several key features. It is important to note that guards are needed to keep from accidentally updating foreign key relationships, to this end, the update function does not include any foreign key fields, rather, it generates specific update functions for the foreign key.

The special version column

The proto_crudl framework implements all the necessary code to support handling stale changes to a record with a version column.

{options, [{version_column, "version"}, indexed_lookups, check_constraints_as_enums]},

In this example, the column is called version. When a table has this column, proto_crudl will generate code that will automatically handle updating the column value on a good update, as well as guard against updating the record from a stale update. If the current value of version is 100 and you attempt to update using a map or record that has the version value of 90, the update will return with notfound, otherwise update returns {ok, Map} or {ok, Record} (depending on how you generated your code).

If the column is not present, the tool will automatically inject the column into the table by performing an ALERT TABLE ...

In our example database, the user table has a column named version.

-define(UPDATE, "UPDATE test_schema.user SET first_name = $2, last_name = $3, email = $4, user_token = $5, enabled = $6, aka_id = $7, my_array = $8, user_type = $9, number_value = $10, created_on = $11, updated_on = $12, due_date = $13, version = version + 1, geog = ST_POINT($16, $15)::geography WHERE user_id = $1 AND version = $14 RETURNING user_id, first_name, last_name, email, user_token, enabled, aka_id, my_array, user_type, number_value, created_on, updated_on, due_date, version, ST_Y(geog::geometry) AS lat, ST_X(geog::geometry) AS lon").

This results in the following code generation and logic for UPDATES. Please note that the INSERT sql and code is also different.

update(M = #{lon := Lon, lat := Lat, version := Version, due_date := DueDate, updated_on := UpdatedOn, created_on := CreatedOn, number_value := NumberValue, user_type := UserType, my_array := MyArray, aka_id := AkaId, enabled := Enabled, user_token := UserToken, email := Email, last_name := LastName, first_name := FirstName, user_id := UserId}) when is_map(M) ->
    Params = [UserId, FirstName, LastName, Email, UserToken, Enabled, AkaId, MyArray, user_type_value(UserType), NumberValue, ts_decode_map(CreatedOn), ts_decode_map(UpdatedOn), DueDate, Version, Lat, Lon],
    case pgo:query(?UPDATE, Params, #{decode_opts => [{return_rows_as_maps, true}, {column_name_as_atom, true}, {decode_fun, fun decode_row/2}]}) of
        #{command := update, num_rows := 0} ->
        #{command := update, num_rows := 1, rows := [Row]} ->
            {ok, Row};
        {error, Reason} ->
            {error, Reason}
update(_M) ->
    {error, invalid_map}.


Finally, proto_crudl uses erleans/pgo for its Postgres connectivity (which is currently) the only supported database. If you want the pgo client to return UUID as binary strings, set an application environment variable or in your sys.config:

{pg_types, [{uuid_format, string}]},

{pgo, [{pools, [{default, #{pool_size => 10,
                            host => "",
                            database => "proto_crudl",
                            user => "proto_crudl",
                            password => "proto_crudl"}}]}]}

Size the pool according to your requirements.

Generating Protobuffers

proto_crudl will generate a .proto that maps to each table in the schema (unless explicitly excluded).

The package for each proto will be the schema that the table is located in. The .proto files will be generated in the output directory specified in the config file with those proto to table mappings being written to a subdirectory that corresponds to the schema the table is in.

Relational databases are inherently namespaced by schema. This means that when supporting multiple schemas, and the fact that Erlang has no concept of namespaces, the module name will be the name of the table prepended by the schema name (if set in the config). Note that protobuffers are correctly generated where the schema maps to a package.

It is recommended that you download and install the protocol buffer compiler, which is necessary to compile to other languages such as Java, Objective-C, or even Go. If you are new to protocol buffers, start by reading the developer docs.

It is important to note that the default configuration is to use gpb to compile and support protobuffers in Erlang.

PLEASE NOTE: There is a bug that has been filed in gpb where protos of the same name in different packages will get overwritten since there is no namespacing.

Using In Your Project

You will need to copy the proto_crudl escript to your project.

Next, create your proto_crudl.config. You can simply copy and modify the one in the repo. Currently, I have a manual generate script that I locate in the top level bin directory:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"

"$DIR"/proto_crudl "$DIR"/../config/proto_crudl.config

Using the Maps or Records

proto_crutl supports code generation using both maps and records. It is important to note that there are several issues with using maps with gpb and pgo that do align very well when using together.

First pgo favors maps and uses the atom (as expected) null for NULL values. Unfortunately, here gpb seems to favor records when serializing and deserializing, this is likely a bug. For now, proto_crudl generates code based on each library implementations support for maps and records. When using the maps config option with gpb, fields that are explicitly undefined are not handled properly and cause an exception as the library attempts to serialize them. The gpb generated code for records does not have this issue. As expected, undefined is treated as missing.

Next, pgo does not handle query parameters that have undefined present. While this is strictly correct, it breaks when trying to map between the code generated by gpo and query parameters expected by pgo. This project includes a forked version of pgo that is more lenient and allows undefined to also mean null. This has not been committed back to the original project yet.

Because of the subtle misalignment between libraries, using maps requires the use of to_proto/1 and from_proto/1 to correctly convert the serialized protobuffers as maps as input values to queries. It also means that the developer has to handle null values from the pgo and ultimately proto_crutl and remember to convert to undefined when serializing. Maps are very flexible, but also very problematic.


A simple Erlang database mapping tool that maps protobuffers to a relational schema, generating the .proto as well as all the CRUDL (Create, Read, Update, Delete, and List/Lookup) code. You can now serialize protobuffers from a web client straight to the database using protobuffers. Supports integration with gpb. Currently only support Postgres.








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