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OpenOrb (or OOrb), an open-source orbit-computation package.

Build Status Test Coverage

More detailed documentation is available by doing

cd doc
make pdf

which should produce a PDF document 'OpenOrb_Tutorial_vN.N.pdf'.


OOrb contains, e.g., the statistical orbital ranging method (hereafter referred to as Ranging). Ranging is used to solve the orbital inverse problem of computing non-Gaussian orbital-element probability density functions (p.d.f.s) based on input astrometry.

Ranging is optimized for cases where the amount of astrometry is scarce or spans a relatively short time span. Ranging-based methods have successfully been applied to a variety of different topics such as rigorous ephemeris prediction, orbital-element-distribution studies for trans-neptunian objects, the computation of invariant collision probabilities between NEOs and the Earth, detecting linkages between astrometric asteroid observations within an apparition as well as between apparitions, and in the rigorous analysis of the impact of orbital arc-length and/or astrometric uncertainty on the uncertainty of the resulting orbits.

In OOrb, tools for making ephemeris predictions and classification of objects (i.e., NEO-MBO-TNO) are also available.

Installation using conda

The easiest way to install OOrb on Linux and OSX 64-bit systems is using the conda installer, which requires some form of this package manager to be installed on your system (e.g., conda, anaconda, miniconda):

conda install -c defaults -c conda-forge openorb

For more details on the OOrb conda package please refer to this website.

Installing additional ephemerides files

OpenOrb comes with JPL's DE430 by default. Additional ephemerides can be installed using:

conda install -c defaults -c conda-forge openorb-data-de405

for JPL's DE405 or

conda install -c defaults -c conda-forge openorb-data-bc430

for Baer & Chesley (2017).

Building from source

For the impatient:

./configure gfortran opt --with-pyoorb

make ephem
make test
sudo make install

after which you'll have oorb installed into /usr/local/bin and pyoorb installed into your Python's standard modules directory. For more details, read below.


To build OOrb:

  • GNU make
  • a Fortran 90/95 compiler (gfortran is best tested)
  • curl (usually comes with macOS and Linux by default)

To build the python bindings:

  • python 2.7 or >=3.5
  • numpy

To run unit tests:

  • pytest

To build the documentation:

  • gnuplot
  • latex
  • dvips

An easy way to bootstrap a complete build environment is with conda, which comes preinstalled with the Anaconda Python Distribution, or Miniconda. For example, this will install everything that's needed (including the compilers) on a macOS machine:

conda create -n oorb-dev python numpy pytest gfortran_osx-64
conda activate oorb-dev

On Linux it's probably better to use your distribution's gfortran; simply omit it from the line above.


OOrb Command Line Tools

In the root directory of your OOrb installation (=OORBROOT) run

./configure COMPILER TYPE --prefix INSTALL_PATH

where COMPILER is gfortran, g95, intel, absoft, compaq, ibm, lahey, or sun, and TYPE is either opt for optimized code or deb for code including debugging information. The --prefix line is optional; if given it tells make install where to install the binaries and data files after they have been built.

A commonly used configuration is:

./configure gfortran opt --prefix=/opt/oorb

If left unspecified, the install prefix defaults to /usr/local.

Once you have configured the source code, run make to build it:

make -j4

The -j4 command line arguments tells make to compile up to four targets in parallel (making a better use of today's multi-core machines).

Now you have a working executable called oorb in the OORBROOT/bin/ directory. To do something useful, you need to provide the software additional data files which will be prepared in the next section.

Building pyoorb -- the OOrb Python Bindings

To build the Python bindings, you must configure OOrb with:

./configure COMPILER TYPE --with-pyoorb

They're not built by default, otherwise. Once configured, running make as discussed in the previous section will both build oorb and pyoorb.

Other configure options

A few other options are available with configure, mostly allowing you to override default paths and/or executable names:

  • --with-python=<python interpreter name/path>
  • --with-f2py=<f2py compuler name/path>
  • --with-pytest=<pytest executable name/path>

Building with test coverage logging (for developers)

Running configure with:

./configure --coverage

will link OpenOrb with gcov coverage libraries. These allow the developers to monitor the extent to which the code is covered by the test suite.

See additional information in the comments next to the coverage target in the Makefile.

Generating and updating additional data files after building from source

Planetary ephemerides

The DE405 planetary ephemerides provided by the Solar System Dynamics Group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory need to be converted to binary format (e.g., de405.dat) only once by doing:

make ephem

BC430 Asteroid ephemerides

Usage of the BC430 asteroid ephemerides (Baer & Chesley, 2017) requires the files asteroid_ephemeris.txt, asteroid_masses.txt, and asteroid_indices.txt. These can be obtained as follows:

cd OORBROOT/data/


or alternatively directly through Baer's Google drive at

IAU/MPC Observatory codes and positions

The Minor Planet Center updates the observatory codes on a daily basis, but an update is not necessarily required until you stumble upon observations from an observatory which isn't listed in your version of the file.

cd OORBROOT/data/


updates a file called OBSCODE.dat.

ET minus UT

Update via the OOrb git repository by

git pull ET-UT.dat

TAI minus UTC

Update via the OOrb git repository by

git pull TAI-UTC.dat

Installing and Setting Up


To install the binaries and data files to their destination directory, run:

make install

This will copy all that's needed into the directory given by --prefix to ./configure (or /usr/local, if none was given). As most Unix distributions have /usr/local/bin on the default path, you should now be able to run oorb by typing oorb.

If configured to build pyoorb, pyoorb will be installed into the default site-path path of the Python used to build it. This means you'll be able to import pyoorb from Python without any special setup. If you wish to install pyoorb elsewhere, you can customize its install path with:

env PYTHON_SITE_PATH=/where/pyoorb/should/be/installed make install 

Note that you will have to add that path to PYTHONPATH, to make pyoorb discoverable to Python.

Running from the source directory

If you wish to run oorb from the source directory, you need to tell it where to find the different files. This is easiest to do through environment variables which you declare in the configuration file for the shell (e.g., .profile on Mac OS X and .bash_profile on Linux). For the Bash shell you need to add the following lines to the configuration file of your shell:

export OORB_CONF=OORBROOT/main/oorb.conf

Using oorb

The full path to the OOrb configuration file is specified by

  1. the --conf=CONFIGURATIONFILE command-line parameter
  2. the $OORB_CONF environment variable
  3. the current directory assuming the default name (oorb.conf)

in this order. That is, option #1 overrides #2 which overrides #3. The path to the default configuration file is OORBROOT/main/oorb.conf.


To compute an orbital solution given astrometric observations, do

oorb --task=ranging --obs-in=OBSERVATIONFILE --orb-out=ORBITFILE

where OBSERVATIONFILE (use of suffix, such as .mpc or.des, is mandatory!) contains the input astrometry and ORBITFILE contains the resulting sampled orbital-element probability-density function (PDF) in OOrb format. The orbits will be written to standard out if --orb-out= is omitted.

If astrometry of several different objects is included in OBSERVATIONFILE, then a command like

oorb --task=ranging --obs-in=OBSERVATIONFILE --separately

will process each object separately and write the output to a separate set of files. The separation into different objects is done using the numbers and/or designations. If both are specified for a line of astrometry, then the number overrides the designation.


oorb --task=lsl --obs-in=OBSERVATIONFILE --orb-in=ORBITFILEIN --orb-out=ORBITFILEOUT


oorb --task=propagation --orb-in=ORBITFILEIN --epoch-mjd-tt=MJD --orb-out=ORBITFILEOUT


Topocentric ephemerides without uncertainty information for, e.g., Mauna Kea (observatory code 568) for the orbital-element epoch are generated by issuing the command:

oorb --task=ephemeris --code=568 --G=GVALUE --orb-in=ORBITFILE

where ORBITFILE (use of suffix, either .orb or .des, is mandatory!) contains the orbits in either the OpenOrb format or DES format and GVALUE refers to the slope parameter in the H,G system (default=0.15). The default for --code is 500, which corresponds to the geocenter. It is also possible to compute ephemerides simultaenously for a range of dates:

oorb --task=ephemeris --code=568 --timespan=TIMESPAN --step=STEP --orb-in=ORBITFILE

Here TIMESPAN specifies how many days into the past (TIMESPAN < 0 days) or future (TIMESPAN > 0 days) you wish to compute ephemerides, and STEP specifies the time interval (in days) between ephemerides. The default is to use an integrator for propagations of the orbital elements, but it is also possible to use the analytical two-body approach by making changes to the configuration file.

The ephemerides are written to stdout unless the --separately option is specified (in which case every object in the input file gets its own output file).

The output is divided into the following columns (as marked by a single-line header)

  • Designation is the designation for the orbit/object as specified in the input file,
  • Code is the official observatory code assigned by IAU/MPC,
  • MJD UTC/UT1 is the UTC (or UT1 before year 1972) ephemeris date (Modified Julian Date),
  • Delta, RA and Dec are the topocentric equatorial spherical coordinates (AU, deg, deg),
  • dDelta/dt, dRA/dt and dDec/dt are the instantaneous topocentric equatorial spherical sky velocities (for coordinate velocities, divide dRA/dt with the cosine of Dec) (AU/day, 2 x deg/day),
  • VMag is the apparent brightness (mag),
  • Alt is the altitude of the object (pure geometric altitude where Earth is assumed spherical) (deg),
  • Phase is the phase angle of the object (deg),
  • LunarElon is the lunar elongation (angular distance between the Moon and the object) (deg),
  • LunarAlt is the lunar altitude (pure geometric altitude where Earth is assumed spherical) (deg),
  • LunarPhase is the lunar phase where 0 is new moon and 1 is full moon,
  • SolarElon is the solar elongation (angular distance between the Sun and the object) (deg),
  • SolarAlt is the altitude of the Sun (pure geometric altitude where Earth is assumed spherical) (deg),
  • r, HLon, and HLat are the heliocentric ecliptic spherical coordinates (AU, deg, deg),
  • TLon and TLat are the topocentric ecliptic spherical coordinates (2 x deg),
  • TOCLon and TOCLat are the topocentric opposition-centered ecliptic spherical coordinates (2 x deg),
  • HOCLon and HOCLat are the heliocentric opposition-centered ecliptic spherical coordinates (2 x deg),
  • TOppLon and TOppLat are the topocentric ecliptic spherical coordinates for the opposition direction (2 x deg),
  • HEclObj X Y Z dX/dt dY/dt dZ/dt are the heliocentric ecliptic cartesian coordinates for the object (3 x AU, 3 x AU/day), and
  • HEclObsy X Y Z are the heliocentric ecliptic cartesian coordinates for the observer (3 x AU).



Which OS + compiler combos seem to work with OpenOrb?

  • Fedora Core 9 + intel versions 11.8
  • Linux + intel 10.1
  • Mac OS X 10.5.8 + gfortran 4.3.4 and 4.4.0
  • Mac OS X 10.5.8 + g95 0.91

Which OS + compiler combos have problems with OpenOrb?

  • Mac OS X 10.5.7 + gfortran versions 4.2.3 and 4.3.1
  • Fedora Core 9 + gfortran 4.3.0


How do I include asteroidal perturbations in my computation?

The new asteroidal perturbations feature may be enabled by toggling perturber.asteroids in the configuration file. Note that downloading the BC430 asteroid ephemerides is necessary for this purpose (see data files section). The file asteroid_indices.txt contains the designations of each massive asteroid included in BC430 in descending order in terms of mass. To exclude perturbations of individual asteroid(s), comment out their corresponding lines with a hash (#).

Note that this is a very new feature and bugs may exist. Should problems arise, please raise an issue on Github.

Can I input multiple observation files simultaneously?

Yes. Simply add each observation file into --obs-in separated by commas and OpenOrb will seamlessly include observations from each file into the computation.


Can I specify a date for which I want an ephemeris to be computed?

No. At the moment the only option is to first explicitly propagate the orbits to the desired date by using, e.g.,

oorb --task=propagation --epoch-mjd-utc=DATE --orb-in=ORBITFILEIN --orb-out=ORBITFILEOUT

and then compute the ephemeris using, e.g.,

oorb --task=ephemeris --orb-in=ORBBITFILEOUT

Note that there is no algorithmic reason why you couldn't specify an option like --epoch-mjd-utc=DATE to --task=ephemeris. The option just doesn't exist (yet!).

I've been seeing the following warning message quite frequently: "Could not find inverse of inverse covariance matrix." Should I be concerned, or is this normal?

This is normal and has to do with the numerical instability of the matrix inversion. The information matrix, for which the inversion fails, typically has a large condition number, that is, the inversion results are not accurate, and in this particular case a solution cannot even be found. For a sampling method the impact of the failure on the overall results is expected to be negligible because a successful solution can probably be obtained in the immediate vicinity of the failed one.

Is there an OOrb Users mailing list?

Yes there is. Go to


Why are the Python wrappers not working anymore?

The Python wrappers are under heavy development and change fairly frequently. Use the command-line executable if you need a more stable platform.

Citation information

When using this software please cite

Granvik, M., Virtanen, J., Oszkiewicz, D., Muinonen, K. (2009). 
OpenOrb: Open-source asteroid orbit computation software including statistical ranging. 
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 44(12), 1853-1861.

Licensing information

OpenOrb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

OpenOrb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should receive a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenOrb. If not, see


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  • Fortran 95.8%
  • Python 1.9%
  • Other 2.3%