A demo project for my Nashville CocoaHeads talk entitled "Auto Layout in Practice: Making Life Easier" given on 3/30/16.
- Visual demonstration of content compression resistance and content hugging priorities.
- Using intrinsic content size for a dynamically sizing UITextView.
- Using self-sizing UITableViewCells (iOS 8.0+)
- Using layout margins and the preserve super margins property. (iOS 8.0+)
- Using layout guides and layout anchors. (iOS 9.0+)
- Using Auto Layout and layouts with UIScrollViews.
- Creating a keyboard responsive UIViewController with Auto Layout
- Using size classes and constraints
The video for this talk can be viewed on the Nashville CocoaHeads YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AX1qdu8YPM
If you have any questions or would like to see another example added to this project of an Auto Layout concept feel free to make an issue or contact me directly.
Bryn Bodayle, bryn.bodayle@gmail.com