Available applications in the repository:
- Cascade Support Vector Machines
- K-means
The applications are implemented using both PyCOMPSs and K-means for comparison purposes.
To know more check:
The folder ./scripts
contains samples to run the for implementaions.
The scripts named run_APP_IMPLEMENTATION.sh
are used to run the applications locally.
The scripts named enqueue_APP_IMPLEMENTATION.sh
are used to run the applications in a supercomputer.
In the case of PyCOMPSs version, the script can be used out-of-the-gox in many supercomputers. The MPI version is tied to SLURM Queueing systems because MPI is not platform-agnostic as PyCOMPSs.
In order to compute the complexity metrics of the K-means and C-SVM applications for both MPI and PyCOMPSs run the script:
This script reports 3 complexity metrics:
- Source Lines of Code (SLOC)
- Cyclomatic complexity
- NPath complexity
This script uses Babelfish tools to compute the Cyclomatic and NPath complexities, and cloc for the SLOC.