This project is my capstone project completed as part of the data science immersive program with General Assembly. For this project, I utilized the MIMIC-III ICU database (part of the physionet collaboration project between MIT and Beth Israel Medical Center). Project notebooks, presentations and a summary of findings/results below are in the process of being uploaded - check back soon for more content!
Dictionary and additional info can be found here:
GitHub Code Respository:
The following 3 notebooks have been uploaded so far:
Creates an initial dataframe of unique patient admissions and ICU stays alongside key demographics.
Makes use of 3 MIMIC-III tables: Patients, Admissions, and ICUStays.
C. Diff Case Definition:
Timestamped lab diagnosis of CDI prior to cutoff of 2 days post-ICU intime
Utilizing a standard cutoff of 2 days post-ICU admission aligns with timing of other risk assessments typically made such as
mortality/morbidity predictions with scales like APACHE (made around 1 days after ICU admit). As such, a tool based on this model
could be implemented into existing clinical workflows.
Resulting Patient Population:
Overall CDI rate of ~1.42%
Total 670 cases / 47,000 ICU Stays
Demographic features explored:
marital status
Note that underlying data files are not and will not be included given data use agreement signed to gain access to the data