Library that implements the functionality Blockchain API and exchanges APIs.
Until now are implemented the function below.
Function | Description |
getTicker | Return list of all tickers. |
getBtcTicker | Get the value of Blockchain the ticker. |
getToBtc | Returns the value converted into Bitcoin. |
getCurrencyCodeToBtc | Returns the value in the country's currency. |
``` BitcoinLib.BlockchainAPI.Wallet ``` Function | Description ----------|-------------- Wallet | Your wallet information. Send | Send bitcoin from your wallet to another bitcoin address. getWalletAddress | List all active addresses in a wallet. getAddressBallance | etrieve the balance of a bitcoin address. WalletBalance | Get balance of all wallet address. NewAddress | Generating a new address. ArchiveAddress | Addresses which have not been used recently should be moved to an archived state. UnArchiveAdrres | Unarchive an address. Will also restore consolidated addresses. Consolidate | The consolidate command will remove some inactive archived addresses from the wallet and insert them as forwarding addresses.
``` Bitcoin.BRL.Util_BRL ``` Function | Description ----------|-------------- getBtcBRLTicker | Retorna o ticker da Blockchain com o valor em BRL. getBRLtoBtc | Retorna o valor em R$ BRL convertido para Bitcoin (btc).