Simple python bindings to libsecp256k1 (v0.2.0). It is intended to be used with the btclib library.
To install (and/or upgrade):
python -m pip install --upgrade btclib_libsecp256k1
Disclaimer: building and testing on Windows is not currently supported; Windows support is achieved with cross compilation
The btclib_libsecp256k1 project includes
as submodule in the secp256k1 folder.
By default, when cloning a project you get the directories that contain
submodules, but none of the files within them.
You must run git submodule init
to initialize
your local configuration file,
and git submodule update
to fetch the submodule data
and check out the appropriate commit.
$ git submodule init
Submodule 'secp256k1' ( registered for path 'secp256k1'
$ git submodule update
Cloning into 'secp256k1'...
The project uses hatch as a project manager.
Some additional tools are required to develop and test btclib_libsecp256k1; they can be installed with:
python -m pip install -U nox cibuildwheel pre-commit
To build:
hatch build -t sdist
hatch build -t wheel
Developers might also consider installing btclib_libsecp256k1 in editable way::
python -m pip install --upgrade -e ./
To test:
hatch -e test run pytest
To measure the code coverage provided by tests:
hatch -e test run pytest --cov-report term-missing:skip-covered --cov=btclib_libsecp256k1
It is however recommended to use nox to better isolate tests
nox -s tests
To format the code
hatch -e dev run format
To run re-commit hooks
hatch -e dev run pre_commit
Please run nox to check everything before a PR