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XTR v3 (alpha)

REST request/response mappings for XRoad SOAP requests

Installing XTR service


  • Requirements to build standalone: Java17


    ./gradlew -Pprod clean bootJar
    java -jar build/libs/xtr-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


  • Executing in Docker container:


   docker compose up 

to see output on current command line; or

   docker compose up -d

to run docker container detached.


Configuration values are stored in application.yml with default location in the source tree src/main/resources/application.yml.

  1. application.dslPath: location of XTR DSL's
# default value for Docker container
  dslPath: /DSL


Services are defined as YAML-formatted DSLs in folder specified in application.dslPath property.

The directory format should be <dslPath>/<service provider>/<service name>.

  - <list of allowed parameters>
service: <uri of service>
method: <GET|POST>

envelope: <XRoad envelope as XML>
  • envelope can contain handlebars mappings for parameters
  • Only parameters specified in params will be applied for handlebars mappings

All services are served as POST endpoints.

POST /<service provider>/<service_name>

with optional parameters as JSON object in request body.

Example services

There are few open Äriregister (E-Business Register) services included as an example. To test if XTR is running and can access those services, call to specified endpoints can be made.

curl localhost:9020/ar/ettevottegaSeotudIsikud_v1 -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"reg_code": 70006317 }'