Haxball curve bot with indicator (adjustable curved shot and power shot) with node-haxball API
Also has a cool goal celebration effect
You can use this bot with custom maps but you must create extra discs and their joints for indicator and arrange their ID's in curve_bot.js file
Run this to download this project: (or download manually and go to your project-folder path)
git clone https://github.com/bugramurat/haxball-curve-bot.git
cd haxball-curve-bot
Install dependecies:
npm install
npm install node-haxball
Paste your token here in curve_bot.js file to run this bot (https://www.haxball.com/headlesstoken)
const HEADLESS_TOKEN = "insert_your_headless_haxball_token_here"
Run the bot:
node curve_bot.js
(You can adjust your room's name and other settings in curve_bot.js file)
- Green for light curved shot
- Yellow for medium curved shot
- Red for hard curved shot
- Purple for power shot
- node-haxball
For further information: bugramurat4444@gmail.com or discord: buggyraz