Vegan Path is an application which integrates Google Maps data with business
review queries from Yelp to assist vegan/vegetarian travelers or anyone else
seeking vegan/vegetarian businesses (mostly in the form of restaurants)
wherever they might be.
Given a target location of interest, Vegan Path will pin-point vegan
businesses, along with their distance from the indicated location
and Yelp price and review ratings.
Optionally, business-specific queries may be executed for detailed review
information (including photos, where available) and a Google Maps direction
link is provided to facilitate transportation/directions explanation from
the user-provided search location to the selected restaurant/point of interest.
This application queries the Yelp Fusion API from the front-end, which poses
its own unique set of challenges. Please refer to the Additional Information
section at the end of this document in which I detail how I integrated Yelp
queries for requests originating client-side.
This application uses a minimal Python back-end and the Flask micro-framework
which are used only to serve the main html document "index.html" and the
server-side client credentials file. As such, Python and Flask are required
components in the application environment.
Besides jQuery, this application makes use of the Bootstrap front-end framework
whose grid scaffolding is used for layout purposes and the KnockoutJS
organizational library as the model view controller (MVC).
With the exception of the modified Bootstrap CSS, these components may be
sourced from any CDN.
Either download the zip archive and uncompress it to a suitable location and/or
git clone the repository to a desired target location.
The resulting directory structure follows a standard Flask application setup
with the familiar templates and static directories as follows:
├── requirements.txt
├── templates/
| └── index.html
└── static/
└── assets/
| ├── css/
| | ├── flex.css
| | └── main.css
| ├── docs/
| | ├── credentials
| | └── screenshot_laptop.PNG
| | ├── screenshot_mobile.PNG
| | └── screenshot_mobile2.PNG
| ├── img/
| | └── icons/
| | ├── favicon.ico
| | └── logos/
| | └── yelp_logo.png
| └── js/
| | ├── defMap.js
| | ├── fusion.js
| | ├── map.js
| | └── showMarkers.js
| └── json/
| └── vegMapStyle.json
└── lib/
└── bootstrap/
└── bootstrap.min.css
Note that the credentials file is a critical component as it contains the
required credentials for APIs in the application (Google Maps and Yelp) and
which for security reasons is kept server-side, to avoid exposing these.
For full functionality, substitute valid credentials arguments in this file.
Required credentials include: Google Maps API Key, Yelp client id, and
Yelp client secret.
The requirements.txt file lists a complete set of packages and dependencies
required to run this application. These may be conveniently installed
by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
from the command line.
The following command will run the application:
This will run with the Flask webserver serving the app on localhost.
By default, the application is served to port 5000. This may be modified
by editing the symbolic constant 'PORT' in the file ""
(Note: production-grade rollouts would require configuration in scalable
web servers such as Apache or Nginx which this project in its current form
is not configured to do).
Upon initialization, the application will present a map, which will take up
the majority of screen space, and a navigational control area in which the
user specifies locations and may subsequently filter results.
A default map (currently set to New York, USA) is initialized. The default
location in the landing map may be changed by editing the DEF_LAT and DEF_LNG
symbolic constants in the file defMap.js to match those of the desired
For smaller (mobile) displays, the navigation/control area will occupy the
top of the screen whereas for larger displays (tablet and greater) the
control area comprises a panel occupying roughly the left third of the screen.
1). Enter a search location in the form of a street address or city name
in the search bar. This will localize the geographic search area for both
Google Maps and the Yelp API queries.
The user's current geo-coordinates may be substituted by checking the "GPS"
checkbox. When checked, an alert in the form of a confirmation box will
appear. Click 'OK' to confirm use of GPS (or 'Cancel', otherwise).
Click the 'GO VEGAN' button to launch the query.
2). If the location is found, the maparea display of the application will
update to display the Google Map of the indicated location.
A Yelp query will be executed and markers in the form of pink paddles
corresponding to each business location will display on the map. A blue marker
represents the origin as indicated by the user.
Clicking on a marker will highlight that marker, changing its color to green.
An information window will also appear with summary information on the business
in the window.
The user may click the "Details" button within any marker's information window
to launch a business detail pane which will include additional business
specific detail (including phone and address information). This information
is obtained by issuing a separate business query to the Yelp API.
Within the business details pane, users have the option of clicking the Yelp
icon to be redirected to that business's Yelp page for more information on
the point of interest. In addition, a Google Maps Directions link is provided
which users may click to automatically query directions from the origin to the
selected business location, if desired.
For larger displays (tablet and larger), a list is generated which will appear
under the navigation/filter controls. Clicking on any of the business which
appear in the list will highlight the corresponding marker on the map and
open its information window. Additionally, a business-specific query will be
sent to Yelp and the business details pane will display automatically for the
clicked item.
For mobile displays, a translucent scrollable listbox will appear at the top of
the maparea. If the number of results returned is more than one, a message
will alert the user that the box is scrollable. When hovered over, the box
will expand and become opaque to assist in selecting a location from the list.
When clicked off, the mobile listings box will shrink back to its original
size and become translucent again.
The markers are numbered in descending preferential rank format with the
default sort being distance (ascending order) from the origin marker.
To change the sort criteria, select one of the options in the sort select box
in the navigation/control area. Selecting "Price" will rerank the markers
according to Yelp price rankings in ascending order and "Ratings" will rerank
the markers according to Yelp review ratings in descending order.
A maximum distance filter may also be applied by selecting an option other than
"Max" in the distance drop down box. Markers will be automatically re-ranked
with only qualifying locations included in the result set.
Distance display options include "mi" for miles or "km" for kilometers.
Changing this will update the displayed results automatically.
With the exception of the Open Now criteria, any/all sort/filter/options
are automatically updated. Alternating the check of the "Open Now" criteria,
however, requires a new query to be sent to the Yelp API. This is because
Yelp requires this query to be explicitly specified for its general search
The default value is set to "on" to return business open at the time
of querying by the user.
Messages are displayed in the message area, which is found at the top
of the navigation/control tools. Possible messages and their meanings are
as follows:
1). "Required: address/loc or GPS"
Appears when a query is attempted and no location is indicated, either in the
address bar or in the form of GPS. This can be corrected by inputting a
location in the search bar or by using the GPS option.
2). "Location not found"
Appears when the location could not be identified by the query sent to Google
Maps. Note the maparea will correspondingly dim in opacity.
3). "No results returned"
Appears when no Yelp businesses are returned for the given address plus filter
combination criteria. When this happens, you can try broadening the search
either by leaving the maximum distance filter on "Max" or modifying the indicated
4). "(Rerun required)"
Appears when the "Open Now" checkbox is alternately checked. Simply refresh
the results by pressing the "GO VEGAN" button. This functionality is due to
an inherent feature of the Yelp API query, which requires this parameter to be
specified for business queries.
(See Additional Information: Known Issues for a note on Fusion's behavior
with this parameter).
As of April 2017, Yelp sunset its previous API (version 2.0) as part of its
campaign to migrate developers to its new (version 3.0) API, known as 'Fusion'.
Unlike Yelp's previous API, Fusion was developed primarily as a server-side
API and does not support CORS headers or JSONP requests, resulting in
cross-origin resource sharing violations for requests originating client-side.
Yelp's own developers admit this and the lack of a JavaScript approach to
querying its API in this thread.
Complicating the issue is the fact that Yelp requires a bearer authentication
token to be sent in order for API requests to be fulfilled (itself predicated
on previously obtained client credentials). However, if exposed, the token may
be used by unauthorized parties against the original client's quota, thus posing
an ostensible security issue.
Determined to come up with a workable method to integrate Yelp reviews for
businesses (and to query/process these, with less time expenditure, right in the
browser) I came up with the following workaround solution:
1). I use heroku's corsanywhere utility, which acts as a reverse proxy, to query
Yelp Fusion, adding CORS headers to the request as it does so, thus avoiding CORS
violations/conflicts. More can be read about this tool here.
2). I store all client credentials (including Yelp client credentials and
Google API keys) server-side in order to avoid exposure of these. For Yelp
Fusion API requests, I query a salted version of the required bearer-token
from my application and evaluate the actual token only upon sending the request
to Fusion, thus avoiding the need to store the token in the browser whether in
the form of cookies or local/session storage. While this is far from a foolproof
approach, it works for the purposes of this application.
I detail this approach in a write-up on my github page here.
More can be found on this discussion in this Udacity forums thread.
A known characteristic of the Yelp Fusion is its erratic behavior in returning
query results which Yelp developers have attributed to "periodic reindexing".
One manifestation of this behavior is in use of the Open Now parameter, which
is meant to return businesses open at the time of inquiry. Occasionally, Yelp
Fusion has returned result sets which are larger when the Open Now parameter is
set to true, contrary to expectations.
One such discussion of erratic/inconsistent query results from Fusion may be
found here.
The map in this application makes use of a modified version of the map called
"Assasin's Creed IV" by Sarah Frisk as sourced from SNAZZY MAPS.
See here for more information.