Single page app to track transfer transactions on Ethereum smart contracts (ERC20 Tokens) with the following elements:
- A form where user can put a contract address, (e.g., 0x86fa049857e0209aa7d9e616f7eb3b3b78ecfdb0)
- A table with real time transactions for the specified contract, it should show at least the fields [Qty, TxHash]
- React
- Redux
- Solidity
- web3.js
- Change the RPC address and port in truffle.js as needed
- Change the RPC address and port in line 29 from utils/getWeb3.js as needed
It can be lauched with any node, however, with Metamask there's a bug recieving events. The best way is launching a private net with geth for example.
- Private node:
geth --datadir .\chaindatadirectory\ --nodiscover --rpc --rpccorsdomain "*"
- TestRPC: Migrating the token example (in contracts folder)
- MetaMask: Deploying to a testnet
Note: Metamask has a bug triggering events, there's some workarounds on this discussion MetaMask web3 instance doesn't return events/logs #2393