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Pac-Man BFS AI & A* Pathfinding Visualizer

Pac-Man BFS AI


Pac-Man BFS AI is a grid-based game where the player controls Pac-Man, avoiding ghosts while collecting pellets. The ghosts use a Breadth-First Search (BFS) algorithm to find the shortest path to Pac-Man.


  • Grid-Based Movement: Pac-Man moves using arrow keys within a 20x12 grid.
  • BFS AI for Ghosts: Ghosts dynamically find the shortest path to Pac-Man using the BFS algorithm.
  • Scoring System: Players gain points by collecting pellets placed randomly on the grid.
  • Game Over Mechanic: The game ends if a ghost reaches Pac-Man.
  • Reset Functionality: Players can reset the game anytime to start fresh.


  • Arrow Keys: Move Pac-Man up, down, left, or right.
  • Reset Button: Restart the game.

Technologies Used

  • React.js: UI framework
  • Framer Motion: Animations
  • JavaScript: Game logic and state management

How BFS Works in the Game

  • BFS explores all possible moves level by level.
  • Guarantees the shortest path from the ghost to Pac-Man.
  • Ghosts update their position every 300ms based on the BFS pathfinding.

A* Pathfinding Visualizer


A grid-based visualizer demonstrating the A* pathfinding algorithm. Users can set a start and end point, and the algorithm finds the shortest path while avoiding obstacles.


  • Dynamic Grid: A 25x60 grid where users can define obstacles.
  • A Algorithm Implementation*: Uses heuristics (Manhattan Distance) for optimal pathfinding.
  • Step-by-Step Visualization: Animates the pathfinding process in real-time.
  • Diagonal Movement Support: Allows both cardinal and diagonal movements.

How A* Algorithm Works

  • Calculates g(n) (distance from start node) and h(n) (estimated distance to target).
  • Uses f(n) = g(n) + h(n) to determine the best path.
  • Explores nodes in order of lowest f(n) value, ensuring optimal path selection.

Technologies Used

  • React.js: UI framework
  • Framer Motion: Smooth animations
  • JavaScript: Algorithm implementation and state handling

Installation & Usage

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd your-project-folder
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  4. Run the application:
    npm start
  5. Open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.

Future Enhancements

  • Improved AI for Ghosts: Implement A* for more dynamic ghost movement.
  • Customizable Grid Size: Allow users to modify the grid dimensions.
  • Obstacle Placement in Pac-Man: Add walls for more complex paths.


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.


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