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A ROS-based exercise for the Experimental Robotics Laboratory course held at the University of Genoa.


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Robot Architecture Skeleton

A ROS-based exercise for the Experimental Robotics Laboratory course held at the University of Genoa.
Author: Luca Buoncomapgni


This repository contains ROS-based software that simulates a behavioural architecture. The objective is twofold: show examples of ROS software, and provide some guidelines for bootstrapping software architectures for robotics.

In particular, this repository showcases the usage of roslaunch and parameters, as well as the implementation of ROS nodes, servers and actions, with related messages; including arrays of custom items. These examples are provided in Python 3.

In addition, the architecture has been bootstrapped with an approach based on the following procedure.

  1. Define each software component with a random-based dummy implementation, i.e., mind only their required and provided interfaces. The purpose is to test the flow of (meaningless) data in the architecture for evaluating the synchronization of its components. In this phase, you should investigate available libraries and arrange them in your architecture in a suitable way.

  2. Define a simple keyboard-based interface to inject into the architecture the relevant stimulus for the robot behaviour, i.e., sensor data or state variables that it needs to sense. The objective is to test the software without introducing uncontrollable sources of errors, e.g., that might be due to sensors.

  3. Implement the components in charge to control the robot's behaviour. In this example, it will be a Finite States Machine, which is tested with the simple interfaces developed in 2.

  4. Make the interfaces developed in 2 based on randomised approaches and not on a keyboard interface anymore. This is done to stress the logic of your architecture and the synchronization of its software components. In this phase, you should also introduce border case situations to further stress the architecture.

  5. Write scripts to automatically evaluate if the randomized robot behaviour is consistent, e.g., though if statements and timestamp comparison.

  6. Develop the actual implementation (and configure the relevant dependencies) of a single software component developed in 1 with a dummy implementation.

  7. Test the component implemented in 6 through the script developed in 5.

  8. Go to 6 and loop until each component is implemented.

  9. Test the overall architecture, finalize the documentation and refactor the code appropriately.

This repository contains the components of an architecture based on the 1-st, 2-nd and 4-th steps, while the 3-rd is the main task that you should tackle during the exercise. As far as the exercise is concerned, the 5-th step is optional, and the 6-th will be addressed in the next parts of the Experimental Robotics Laboratory course; as far as some specific components are concerned.


The scenario involves a pet-like robot with the following behaviour.

  • Normally, the robot moves randomly in the environment (e.g., in a room).
  • When the battery is low, the robot immediately stops and waits for charging. For simplicity, we do not control the robot toward a specific location to recharge its battery.
  • When a user issues specific speech-based commands a human-robot interaction phase starts or stops, i.e., called (e.g., "Come here!", "Hi!", etc.) or greeted (e.g., "Bye", "Stop", etc.), respectively.
  • When the interaction starts, the robot moves toward the user and waits for a pointing gesture. The gesture is performed by the user to indicate a position in the environment.
  • When the pointing gesture is provided, the robot moves toward such a position.
  • When the pointed position is reached, the robot comes back to the user.
  • The above three points are repeated until the interaction ends or the battery is low. When the interaction ends due to a speech-based command and the battery is not low, the robot returns to move randomly.


For simplicity and showing purposes, we consider a scenario with the following assumptions.

  • The robot moves in a 2D environment without obstacles.
  • Given a current and target position, the robot plans a trajectory to follow, i.e., a list of via points. Then, it follows the trajectory by reaching each via point. The distance between via points is small enough to disregard the positions within two via points (e.g., for representing the current robot pose).
  • The user can only say simple (and predefined) commands to the robot through the speech-based interface. The speech-based commands can be given at any time, and they might be wrongly detected.
  • A pointing gesture is valid only when the interaction occurs. If more gestures are provided, the robot should consider the more recent one.
  • The user can point to a 2D location at any time. The location might be out of the environment, i.e, it can refer to a position that is unreachable by the robot.
  • The battery can become low at any time, and the robot should immediately react to this event.
  • The user does not move.


An important aspect of this exercise is the synchronization between the robot and the user. In particular, the user should never wait for the robot to complete an action, except when it is recharging its battery. This implies that the Finite States Machine should never be blocked. In other words, the Finite States Machine should process speech-based, gesture-based, and battery-based events as soon as they occur. Furthermore, we consider that the Finite States Machine does not allow for concurrent states.

Project Structure

Package List

This repository contains a ROS package named arch_skeleton that includes the following resources.

  • CMakeList.txt: File to configure this package.
  • package.xml: File to configure this package.
  • File to import python modules from the utilities folder into the files in the script folder.
  • launcher/: Contains the configuration to launch this package.
  • msg/: It contains the message exchanged through ROS topics.
    • Gesture.msg: It is the message representing detected pointing gestures.
    • Speech.msg: It is the message representing speech-based commands.
    • Point.msg: It is the message representing a 2D point.
  • srv/: It Contains the definition of each server used by this software.
    • GetPose.srv: It defines the request and response to get the current robot position.
    • SetPose.srv: It defines the request and response to set the current robot position.
  • action/: It contains the definition of each action server used by this software.
    • Plan.action: It defines the goal, feedback and results concerning motion planning.
    • Control.action: It defines the goal, feedback and results concerning motion controlling.
  • scripts/: It contains the implementation of each software components.
    • It is a dummy implementation of the speech-based commands detection algorithm.
    • It is a dummy implementation of the gesture-based commands detection algorithm.
    • It implements the robot state including: current position, and battery level.
    • It is a dummy implementation of a motion planner.
    • It is a dummy implementation of a motion controller.
  • utilities/arch_skeleton/: It contains auxiliary python files, which are exploited by the files in the scripts folder.
  • diagrams/: It contains the diagrams shown below in this README file.


The software exploits roslaunch and rospy for using python with ROS. Rospy allows defining ROS nodes, services and related messages.

Also, the software uses actionlib to define action servers. In particular, this software is based on SimpleActionServer. Thus, you should use the SimpleActionClient to solve the exercise.

The Finite States Machine that you will implement based on the software components provided in this repository should be based on SMACH. You can check the tutorials related to SMACH, for an overview of its functionalities. In addition, you can exploit the smach_viewer node to visualize and debug the implemented Finite States Machine.

Software Components

It follows the details of each software component implemented in this repository, which is available in the scripts/ folder.

The speech-eval Node, its Message and Parameters

The speech-eval node is a simple publisher that produces Speech messages in the /sensor/speech topic. Each generated message has two fields: a time stamp and a command. The latter is a string equal to "Hello", when the interaction should start, or "Bye" when the interaction should end. Such keywords can be configured through the config/speech_commands parameter (detailed below).

This node allows publishing messages from the keyboard or in a randomized manner, and this can be chosen with the test/random_sense/active parameter detailed below. When random messages are published, the test/random_sense/speech_time parameter is used to delay the generated commands, which might not always be consistent for accounting perception errors (e.g., the command "???" is sometimes published).

To observe the behaviour of the speech-eval node you can run the following commands.

# Open a new terminal.
rosparam set config/speech_commands '["Hello", "Bye"]'
rosrun arch_skeleton 
# Open a new terminal
rostopic echo /sensor/speech

With rosparam you might also set the test/random_sense/active and
test/random_sense/speech_time parameters (detailed below) to see how messages are differently published.

The gesture-eval Node, its Message and Parameters

The gesture-eval node is a simple publisher that produces Gesture messages in the sensor/gesture topic. Each generated message has two fields: a time stamp and a coordinate. The latter is of type Point (defined in the msg/ folder), which has two float sub-fields, i.e., x and y.

This node allows publishing messages from the keyboard or in a randomized manner, and this can be chosen with the test/random_sense/active parameter detailed below. When random messages are published, the test/random_sense/gesture_time parameter is used to delay the generated messages, which encode a coordinate with random x and y based on the config/environment_size parameter detailed below. To simulate possible perception error, this node might generate coordinates that are out of the environment.

To observe the behaviour of the gesture-eval node you can run the following commands.

# Open a new terminal.
rosparam set config/environment_size '[10,10]'
rosrun arch_skeleton 
# Open a new terminal
rostopic echo /sensor/gesture 

With rosparam you might also set the test/random_sense/active and
test/random_sense/gesture_time parameters (detailed below) to see how messages are differently published.

The robot-state Node, its Messages and Parameters

The robot-state is a node that encodes the knowledge shared among the other components, and it implements two services (i.e., state/set_pose and state/get_pose) and a publisher (i.e., state/battery_low).

The services allow setting and getting the current robot position, which is shared between the planner and the controller as detailed below. In particular, the state/set_pose requires a Point to be set and returns nothing, while the state/get_pose requires nothing and return a Point encoding the robot pose.

Note that a client should set the initial robot position when the architecture startups.

Also, note that, for more general architectures, the robot pose might be published in a topic, instead of being provided through a server. This is because many components might require the current robot pose, which might change frequently. However, this example does not consider such a case.

Moreover, the robot-state also implements a publisher of Boolean messages into the state/ battery_low topic. This message is published when the batter changes state. We consider two possible states: low battery (i.e., True is published) and recharged (i.e., False is published).

The battery-related publisher allows publishing messages from the keyboard or in a randomized manner, and this can be chosen with the test/random_sense/active parameter detailed below. When random messages are published, the test/random_sense/battery_time parameter is used to delay the published messages.

To observe the behaviour of the robot-state node you can run the following commands.

# Open a new terminal.
rosrun arch_skeleton 
# Open a new terminal
rostopic echo /state/battery_low 
# Open a new terminal 
rosservice call /state/set_pose "pose: { x: 1.11,  y: 2.22}"
rosservice call /state/get_pose "{}" 

With rosparam you might also set the test/random_sense/active and
test/random_sense/battery_time parameters (detailed below) to see how messages are differently published.

The planner Node, its Message and Parameters

The planner node implements an action server named motion/planner. This is done by the means of the SimpleActionServer class based on the Plan action message. This action server requires the state/get_pose/ service of the robot-state node, and a target point given as goal.

Given the current and target points, this component returns a plan as a list of via_points, which are randomly generated for simplicity. The number of via_points can be set with the test/random_plan_points parameter addressed below. Moreover, each via_point is provided after a delay to simulate computation, which can be tuned through the test/random_plan_time parameter. When a new via_points is generated, the updated plan is provided as feedback. When all the via_points have been generated, the plan is provided as results.

While the picture above shows the actual implementation of the action server, you should not interact with it through the shown topics directly. Instead, you should use a SimpleActionClient, for instance, as:

import actionlib
from arch_skeleton.msg import PlanAction, PlanGoal
# Initialize the client and, eventually, wait for the server.
client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('motion/planner', PlanAction)
def feedback_callback(feedback):
    # Do something when feedback is provided.
def done_callback(status, results):
    # Do something when results are provided.
# Send a new `goal`, which is a message of type `PlanGoal`.
client.send_goal(goal, done_cb = done_callback, feedback_cb = feedback_callback)
# Get the action server state.
# Cancel all goals (or the current goal only, i.e., `client.cancel_goal()`).

To observe the behaviour of the planner you can run the following commands.

# Open a new terminal.
rosrun arch_skeleton
# Open a new terminal.
rosservice call /state/set_pose "pose: { x: 0.11,  y: 0.22}"
rosparam set config/environment_size '[10,10]'
rosrun arch_skeleton
# Open a new terminal.
rosrun actionlib_tools /motion/planner

Then, a GUI should appear. Set the goal you want to reach and hit the send button. Eventually, you can cancel the goal as well. Also, you can change the test/random_plan_points and test/random_plan_time parameters (detailed below) to tune the behaviour of the planner.

The last command of the above fragment of code requires the actionlib-tools package, which can be installed done by typing:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-noetic-actionlib-tools

The controller Node, its Message and Parameters

The controller node implements an action server named motion/controller. This is done by the means of the SimpleActionServer class based on the Control action message. This action server requires the state/set_pose/ service of the robot-state node and a plan given as a list of via_points by the planner.

Given the plan and the current robot position, this component iterates for each planned via_point and waits to simulate the time spent moving the robot to that location. The waiting time can be tuned through the test/random_motion_time parameter detailed below. Each time a via_point is reached the state/set_pose service is invoked, and a feedback is provided. When the last via_point is reached, the action service provides a result by propagating the current robot position, which has been already updated through the state/set_pose service.

Similarly to the planner above, instead of using the raw topics, you can rely on a SimpleActionClient, which should be instantiated as:

client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('motion/controller', ControlAction)

This client would accept goals of type ControlGoal.

To observe the behaviour of the controller you can run the following commands.

# Open a new terminal.
rosrun arch_skeleton
# Open a new terminal.
rosservice call /state/set_pose "pose: { x: 0.11,  y: 0.22}"
#rosparam set config/environment_size '[10,10]'
rosrun arch_skeleton
# Open a new terminal.
rosrun actionlib_tools /motion/controller

Then, the same GUI seen for the planner should appear. In this case, you can test goals formatted as:

    x: 0.109999999404
    y: 0.219999998808
    x: 3.61638021469
    y: 5.05489301682
    x: 0.292526483536
    y: 6.59786701202
    x: 4.33828830719
    y: 7.73262834549
    x: 6.0
    y: 6.0

You can also change the test/random_motion_time parameter (detailed below) to tune the behaviour of the controller.

Launching the Software

This software has been based on ROS Noetic, and it has been developed with this Docker-based environment, which already provides the required dependencies listed above.


Follow these steps to install the software.

  • Clone this repository inside your ROS workspace (which should be sourced in your .bashrc).
  • Run chmod +x <file_name> for each file inside the scripts folder.
  • Run catkin_make from the root of your ROS workspace.
  • Install xterm by entering the command sudo apt install -y xterm.


Use the following command to launch the software with a keyboard-base interface for speech, gesture and battery level.

roslaunch arch_skeleton manual_sense.launch

Use the following command to launch the software with randomized stimulus, i.e., speech, gesture and battery level.

roslaunch arch_skeleton random_sense.launch

Note that the architecture launched with these commands does nothing, except generate stimulus, i.e., battery level, speech and gesture commands. In order to invoke the motion planner and controller, you need to implement the Finite States Machine as described below.

Check the roslouch outcome to get the path where logs are stored. usually, it is ~/.ros/log/. That folder should also contain a link to the latest produced log.

ROS Parameters

This software requires the following ROS parameters.

  • config/environment_size: It represents the environment boundaries as a list of two float numbers, i.e., [x_max, y_max]. The environment will have the x-th coordinate spanning in the interval [0, x_max), while the y-th coordinate in [0, y_max).

  • config/user_pose: It represents the user's position as a list of two float numbers, i.e., [x, y]. This pose should be within the environmet_size.

  • config/speech_commands: It defines the keywords that the user can say to start and end the interaction. It must be a list made of two strings (e.g., ["Hello", "Bye"]) that define the keyword to start and end the interaction, respectively.

  • state/initial_pose: It represents the initial robot pose as a list of two float numbers, i.e., [x, y]. This pose should be within the environmet_size.

  • test/random_plan_points: It represents the number of via points in a plan, and it should be a list of two integer numbers [min_n, max_n]. A random value within such an interval will be chosen to simulate plans of different lengths.

  • test/random_plan_time: It represents the time required to compute the next via point of the plan, and it should be a list of two float numbers, i.e., [min_time, max_time] in seconds. A random value within such an interval will be chosen to simulate the time required to compute the next via points.

  • test/random_motion_time: It represents the time required to reach the next via point, and it should be a list of two float numbers, i.e., [min_time, max_time] in seconds. A random value within such an interval will be chosen to simulate the time required to reach the next via points.

  • test/random_sense/active: It is a boolean value that activates (i.e., True) or deactivates (False) the random-based generation of stimulus (i.e., speech, gesture and battery level). If this parameter is True, then the three parameters below are also required. If it is False, then the three parameters below are not used.

In addition, the random_sense.launch also requires the following three parameters. This occurs because test/random_sense/active has been set to True.

  • test/random_sense/gesture_time: It indicates the time passed within two randomly generated pointing gestures. It should be a list of two float numbers, i.e., [min_time, max_time] in seconds, and the time passed between gestures will be a random value within such an interval.

  • test/random_sense/speech_time: It indicates the time passed within two randomly generated commands based on speech. It should be a list of two float numbers, i.e., [min_time, max_time] in seconds, and the time passed between speech-based commands will be a random value within such an interval.

  • test/random_sense/battery_time: It indicates the time passed within battery state changes (i.e., low/high). It should be a list of two float numbers, i.e., [min_time, max_time] in seconds, and the time passed between changes in battery levels will be a random value within such an interval.

The exercise

Develop a Finite States Machine based on the SMACH library that implements the behaviour of the robot. Use only the software components provided in this repository to develop such a Finite States Machine.

Debug your implementation with the manual_sense.launch configuration. Then, test it in a log term running through the random_sense.launch configuration.

Optionally, write a script that automatically checks if an anomalous behaviour occurs while using the random_sense.launch configuration.

The Finite States Machine

The Finite States Machine to be developed should implement the scenario introduced at the beginning of this README file.

In addition, the Finite States Machine should have the following functionalities.

  • It sets, in the robot-state node, the initial robot pose given through the state/initial_pose parameter.
  • It subscribes to the sensor/speech topic to get speech-based commands.
  • It subscribes to the sensor/gesture topic to get pointing gestures.
  • It subscribes to the state/battery_low topic to get the battery state.
  • It processes each speech, gesture, and battery message as soon as they are provided.
  • It uses the planner action server and cancels it if necessary.
  • It uses the controller action server and cancels it if necessary.

Note that, in Python, ROS subscribes run on separate threads. Thus, you need to use mutexes to assure data consistency across concurrent threads.

A Solution

A possible solution to this exercise is available in the Wiki of this repository.


A ROS-based exercise for the Experimental Robotics Laboratory course held at the University of Genoa.





