- React Navigation - routing and navigation.
- React Native Vector Icons
- React Native UI Lib
- React Native Reanimated 2
- React Native MMKV - key-value storage framework, faster than AsyncStorage
- ESLint - keep code clean
- All logic and components/screens exist inside
- 'src/' has all logic and components/screens
- 'components/' has all components, navigators and screens
- 'atoms/' refer to Atomic Design for more info
- 'molecules/' refer to Atomic Design for more info
- 'organisms/' refer to Atomic Design for more info
- 'navigators/' includes all navigator components
- 'screens/' includes all app screens
- 'components/' has all components, navigators and screens
- Inside the newly created Firebase project, add a new iOS application.
- Download GoogleService-Info.plist and add it to your project.
- Open Xcode
- Right click on project name and click "Add Files to #{projectName}"
- Select the downloaded plist file above and ensure "Copy items if needed" checkbox is enabled.
- Configure Android
- Add
file cd ios && pod install && cd ..
- in ./src/foundationConfig.js