This is the dataset associated with our review manuscript on the biomechanical constitutive modeling of GI tissues [1]. It is structured according to the SPARC Data Structure [2] and curated using the SPARC data curation software SODA v4.7.0 [3,4]. We refer to the manuscript for details about the dataset content.
We recommend using Anaconda to create and manage your development environment. All the subsequent instructions are provided assuming you are using Anaconda (Python 3 version).
Clone the repo or download as a zip and extract.
Open Anaconda prompt (Windows) or the system Command line interface then naviguate to the code
cd .GI-review-dataset/code
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate env-GI-review
$ ipython kernel install --user --name=<any_name_for_kernel>
$ conda deactivate
Launch Jupyter lab and naviguate to open the post-processing-code.ipynb file under the code folder. Make sure to change the kernel to the one created above (e.g., see
[1] Patel, B., Gizzi, A., Hashemi, J., Awakeem, Y., Gregersen, H., & Kassab, G. (2021). Biomechanical constitutive modeling of the gastrointestinal tissues: where are we?. (
[2] Bandrowski, A., Grethe, J.S., Pilko, A., Gillespie, T.H., Pine, G., Patel, B., Surles-Zeiglera, M. and Martone, M.E., 2021. SPARC data structure: Rationale and design of a fair standard for biomedical research data. bioRxiv (
[4] Patel, B., Ngo, T., Soundarajan, S. SODA (Software to Organize Data Automatically) for SPARC: v4.7.0. Zenodo (