Everything you need to play The Years of Adventure in Foundry VTT. This was forked from v1.0.0 of the WWN project developed by SobranDM (which was itself forked from v1.1.2 of the Old School Essentials project developed by Uman). Uman (and Sobran after him, despite protestations otherwise) built a beautiful system for their respective games. I've hacked that to work for my own system. All praise should be directed toward them. Any bugs or mistakes are undoubtedly my own.
Find the original OSE project by U~man here: https://gitlab.com/mesfoliesludiques/foundryvtt-ose and the fork by SobranDM here: https://github.com/SobranDM/foundryvtt-wwn
Currently, the core features of the system (PC, NPC, and Ship Character sheets, Combat/Initiative, and Items) are complete, although there may be some outstanding bugs related to them. The compendium is mostly complete in terms of Weapons, Armor, and Techniques, but some of them are outdated and a few might be missing. This content will be completed eventually, but it is low on the priority list currently. The system has been in use for over 6 months now with no major issues, and should hopefully serve your needs right away, with improvements yet to come!
This Foundry VTT game system is not yet included within Foundry VTT in the system browser. You can download the latest archive in the package folder, or use the manifest link below. https://github.com/bwebster4/foundry-tyoa/releases/download/latest/system.json
This Foundry VTT system requires the The Years of Adventure rules, available on the Archstone Press Patreon.
Icons are from Rexxard.