This Python script is able to communicate with a iBox (API version v6; see The script can turn on or off all lights (all zones), including the iBox, as well as changing the brightness and activating the DISCO mode. This script works perfect in combination with a virtual switch (ON/OFF) in Domoticz.
- Put the script in your Domoticz scripts folder
- Change the IP address of the iBox controller in the script: variable UDP_IP
- Add a virtual/dummy switch in Domoticz (see
- The ON action of the dummy switch could be set to:
script:///<script location>/ ON
This action will turn on the lights of the bulbs and the iBox. If you only want to have the bulbs on, execute the script as follows (put a device identifier (00 (=iBox), 07 (= RGBWW) or 08 (=RGBW)) as second last argument; specify the zone (00 or 01-04) as last argument):script:///<script location>/ ON 07 01
orscript:///<script location>/ ON 08 01
- The OFF action of the dummy switch could be set to:
script:///<script location>/ OFF
The script can also be executed in standalone mode of course:
$ python ON <device> <zone> (<device> = 00, 07 or 08) (<zone> = 00, or 01-04)
$ python OFF <device> <zone> (<device> = 00, 07 or 08) (<zone> = 00, or 01-04)
$ python DISCO1 <device> <zone>
$ python <command> <device> <zone> (see below for the list of valid <command>)
Complete command list (besides ON and OFF):
The script allows you to pass in the full 9 byte command (see for documentation). This can be useful when you want to tryout some commands or when you are debugging your setup.
$ python CMD <full 9 byte command> <zone>
For example:
$ python CMD "31 00 00 07 03 01 00 00 00 00" 00