Use to generate XML Sitemap from online website
Change config.php variables
bool $echos // toggle logs
array $domains_to_crawl // domains to crawl
string $exportDir // where to export sitemap.xml
string $frequency // hourly|daily|weekly|monthly|yearly|never
bool $ssl // enable ssl true=https:// | false=http://
string $startWith // can be reset by $hrefLang if link rel=alternate are found
array $hrefLang // hrefLang (also feed with link rel=alternate) ex: ["/en/", "/fr/"]
array $uri_to_bind // pages to bind (also feed with robots.txt) regex allow ex: ["/privacy", "/user*"]
array $extensions_allow // use for replacement /index.(ext) => / || add file.(ext) to sitemap
array $custom_priority // custom sitemap priority
array $engines_to_ping // ping new sitemap to search engine
NB: only use $engines_to_ping when exportDir is the real $domain path
Use CRON to generate sitemap automatically
1 0 * * * php path_to_app/generate (REQUIRED){domain} (OPTIONAL){frequency}
Generate command need's a JSON config file stored in /configs Use /configs/ as a template
cp path_to_app/configs/ path_to_app/configs/
JSON file
"exportDir": "/var/www/",
"frequency": "daily",
"ssl": true,
"startWith": "/",
"hrefLang": ["/en/"],
"uri_to_bind": ["/tcu", "/privacy*"],
"extensions_allow": ["php"],
"custom_priority": {
"1.0": [],
"0.8": ["blog"],
"0.5": [],
"0.3": [],
"0.1": ["contact"]
"engines_to_ping": [
Insert your sitemap in robots.txt
User-agent: *
Allow: /
Disallow: /test
Feel free to contact me if you have any useful idea to improve this app